HNT – Shoes and Shackles

I was at the shoe store with a girlfriend today and I told her that W felt I had enough slut shoes to last for quite some time, so removing shoe purchases from my budget due to a paycut should not be a hardship. At the time I agreed readily enough.  Yeah, I’ve got some shoes!
That didn’t stop me from buying another pair today though.  I get it–it’s an addiction.  And yeah, I can live with it.

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11 thoughts on “HNT – Shoes and Shackles

  1. Great shoes! And everything else 😉
    I’m a shoe-holic myself so I completely understand. If I try to go too long without new shoes I end up down at Payless scrounging desperately for anything I can find in the clearance bin. It’s ugly!
    I’ve learned never to go beyond my limit. I have my dignity.
    Happy HNT!

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