Month: December 2009
After I saw W last night I came home and crawled into bed with Ad, and we talked and snuggled, and fell asleep wrapped around each other. But I woke back up at 4am and couldn’t sleep, so I went into the front room and putzed around on the computer…
All I want for Christmas…
Sometimes, bad girls get just what they want too. I hope everyone else’s holiday wishes are coming true too! To see what other uses Santa found for his candy cane, visit Bondage Demons and click on “What’s New”!
HNT – A Different Kind of Present
Santa likes variety, so W decided to wrap up another present for him. (You can see Santa’s other gift here.) Psst–there’s a click thru!
Happy Holidays! Check out the other lovelies joining the HNT parade over at Osbasso’s!
There is something so incredibly intimate about a mouth. Kissing, sucking, licking, tasting, swallowing…tongues and teeth and spit and words–words maybe most of all. Time was, when sucking cock felt more intimate than sexual intercourse to me, when I would rather have had a man’s cock inside my cunt than…
A Stretch: Do I Have to Choose Just ONE?
So most of you know that I write articles on poly relationships and kink here and there on Eden Cafe (if you’re not aware, you can check out a list of the stuff I’ve written here.) While it’s not a paying gig (at least in “real” dollars), I do get…
HNT Out Takes
So every week in December Osbasso has holiday “themes” for the HNT’s. (To see what they are, click on the links at the top of his sidebar.) I’ve been having loads of fun with Ad and W coming up with concepts and trying to make those concepts work. Some work…
Mad at Adam, or, How I'm Not Perfect
“I’m not an expert,” Samantha says, over on Not Your Mother’s Playground. An excellent post, and an idea that I’ll probably explore further over on A Poly Life at some point in the future, but here, now, I want to illustrate the point much more graphically. I’m not an expert,…
Other Bits & Pieces
I’ve got a couple of new posts over on A Poly Life: Bits & Pieces: on kids, my delayed snow delivery, girl-dates & other minutia of daily life here in Jade-land; Being Open: a snapshot of my work life, and my musings about being “open” (or not) at work; Firebug:…
HNT-Tied with a Bow
Thought I’d start the Christmas season early and give you a present to unwrap. Ad is so cute when he Tops me: he ties me up in bows. I didn’t know it until he showed me the photograph. There’s a little different angle in the click-thru (see, it really is…