Wrapping up the Wank

He had told me that I had to do my Daily Deed even while I was in PV with the GirlChild. The morning that we left it wasn’t difficult. Ad made me fuck myself with Bam, which was kind of like fisting myself with someone else’s hand. Weird, but hot.

Yeah, he's HUGE.

Earlier in the week I had used Blue…

Doesn't he look sweet all nestled in my feathers?

(and W’s J-Hook) and I have to say that I enjoyed Blue much more. Coming with Bam was difficult (had to use Baldy to get there) because he is just soooo big.  And thrusting with him? Right out. I think it might be more fun if someone else was fucking me with him, though.  The thought of being fucked by it as an extension of The Mean Guy really makes me hot (and that thought is what tipped me over the edge this time actually.)  I know I can take lots more of him than I did on my own, and being forced to…damn that’s hot enough to make me want to go fuck myself again, right here, right now.

But (ahem) I digress.

Once we got here to PV, however, just she and I, with no space or separation, well, it got tough.
I am nothing if not determined to obey W’s wishes, though.
Late in the afternoon, after we had been at the pool and beach and come back inside to cool off, I announced that I needed a shower. I knew that the only way I was going to get any privacy was in the bathroom, though I didn’t especially relish the thought.  Although my first experience with masturbation was using running water in a bathtub to do it, water is not usually conducive to good sex for me.
Of course, there’s always exceptions.

Anyway, I knew I had to try.
The shower here is large enough for two people, but there’s no bath. Sad for me, because generally, to do myself, I like to lay down. Coming sitting up was hard enough to do, though because I was being made to do it by W, it was actually a lot easier than I had expected. Anything sexual is easier with that man in my head. 😉 But he isn’t here, so I needed to find a way to make it work just as if he was.
I turned the water up high, closed my eyes, and started touching myself. I thought about that first time, in my sister’s bathroom, with my legs slung up over the edge of the tub, my hips cocked up to open myself to the stream of water, the delicious, startling feel of the hot, hot water sluicing down on my cunt, and later, when I turned the water on higher, pounding onto my clit.
I thought about another time, and my very first masturbation fantasy–yes, I recall it!–in which I was also in the bath, this time a shower, touching myself, when suddenly, into my mind, floated the image of a woman’s breasts, and my mouth on them. I had never fantasized deliberately about women before that time, nor fantasized at all during masturbation, so this was all new and amazing to me. And oh, what fun I learned when I combined sex with my brain. 😉 I came with that image in my head, and realized that I was still making sucking motions and noises with my mouth when the orgasm was over.
This time, however, wasn’t as easy. I rubbed, I stroked, I almost got there…but then couldn’t quite push myself over the edge. I really needed W there, demanding that I come, telling me, “One more…”
And then, there he was, in my head, and I heard him the last time I was with him, felt his hand on my throat (fuck that makes me hot), his voice in my ear, “Fuck yourself, do it, one more time, that’s a good girl, come for me, you little cunthole, come because I tell you to…”
And I did, sliding down the wall of the shower, landing in a wet, panting heap on the tiles, wishing I had my camera so I could show him what a good girl I was.

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