More Shoe Porn!

Well I wasn’t going to post anything today, since I posted a rather long entry last night, but I just couldn’t help myself.  I’m sure you’ll see why…
More shoe-sluttiness, from the Queen of Shoe-Sluttiness herself, longdistancesub! I have drooled over, been awed by, and envied this woman’s incredible shoe collection forever. Check out her lovely shoes (and legs, and…~ahem~ other things…~grin~) on the post she just wrote about her evolution as a shoe slut (extraordinaire).  Yummm…
Also, SapioSlut asked if I have any boots, so I thought I’d share a picture of my favorite red boots, just for fun.

7 thoughts on “More Shoe Porn!

  1. Those boots do look HOT on you Jade. Though for myself I will admit I’m not much of a boot person. I usually only wear them in the snow.
    I love Longdistancesub’s blog to. She was actually one of the first D/s blogs I started reading.
    I’m starting to feel like the odd girl out though. You two started getting into heels because of your D/s relationships. I just started wearing them because I was crazy and didn’t mind wearing 4 inch heels to high school and college 🙂 I always liked the way a heel looked on another girl/woman and figured it would do the same for me. Since then I’m in heels %90 of the time! Love the post…………..Kara XOXO

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