A Work from Home Task

These were the parameters of Task 11:

  • Wear high heels all day.
  • Knees must be separated all day. This includes no crossing of legs. (Count infractions for future penalty.)
  • Wear a paper clip on each nipple all day. (Record minutes of failure for future penalty.)
  • All phone calls must be answered with “Jade’s office”  (Count infractions for future penalty.)
  • Wear a butt plug between the hours of 9 and 5. You may change the plug periodically, but it/they can not be removed for more than 10 minutes at a time.
  • The bathroom may only be used from 2 minutes before the hour to 2 minutes after the hour.  (Count infractions for future penalty.)
  • A pencil must be stored in your hair at all times.
  • Fingernails must be filed at least twice during the day.
  • You must offer coffee to each living creature you encounter.

As most of you know, one day a week (more or less) I have the opportunity to work from home. My job, being primarily internet-based, could probably be handled from home 4 days a week, but (for some reason) they like to have me in my office more often than that. Anyway, on those days, as you have seen in this blog and on Fet, I try to work at W’s, and we generally incorporate a bit of play (and here and here)  into the day, just to keep things lively. 😉
The thing I found interesting was the added element of “penalties.” We have never played with “funishments” before, but I admit to finding the idea enticing, and yes, exciting.  I have no idea what the penalty might be, or even if there really will be one, but it sure was fun to keep a tally of them.
Most of my “instructions” weren’t hard to follow:
Wear high heels all day.

I've NEVER worn socks and heels at W's...!

Infraction: none
Unless he counts wearing socks with heels an infraction! But it was cold in his house…and, um…they’re kinda cute, dontcha think?
Knees must be separated all day. This includes no crossing of legs.
(No pic, sorry…)
Infractions: 14
This was hard to do! I cross my legs so unconsciously that I am sure there were more than 14 times, to be honest, but that is the amount of times I actually realized what I was doing.  I will say that having to notate each time made me more and more aware of it, until, by the end of the day, I was catching myself before I even did it.
Wear a paper clip on each nipple all day.
Every sexretary holds her paperclips on her nipples, right?

Infractions: 10 mins
They each fell off once, right at the beginning of the day, for about five minutes.  After I noticed that they might fall off, I kept checking them all day long. You don’t think they would have noticed me rubbing my tits all day at work, do you?

Wear a butt plug between the hours of 9 and 5. You may change the plug periodically, but it/they can not be removed for more than 10 minutes at a time.

Yup, there it is, in all it's glory... My Njoy Plug...

Infraction: 28 minutes
Really I could have worn it all day without a break at all. That plug is the most comfortable one I’ve ever used! But I took it out once for biological reasons, then forgot to put it back in right away. 🙁  That accounted for 12 minutes.  The other 16 happened at the end of the day. My “usual” work day ends at 4:30.  When I read the instructions, I skipped over the part where W said  nine to five, and started getting myself reconfigured to go home at 4:30. Oops! So the plug came out 16 minutes early.

The bathroom may only be used from 2 minutes before the hour to 2 minutes after the hour.
Infractions: 1
I missed my pee break three times in a row! But since I wasn’t bolting down the coffee, it wasn’t a disaster and I didn’t need to break the rule.  My infraction occurred at the end of the day, when I used the potty to remove my plug before 5pm. (See above.)
All phone calls must be answered with “Jade’s office.”
Infractions: none
My phone didn’t ring all day. A small miracle, that.
A pencil must be stored in your hair at all times.


Infractions: 1
It actually fell out at one point.  So I did the “pencil in the ponytail” thing.  That worked better.
Fingernails must be filed at least twice during the day.
Infractions: 1
Who woulda thought that this would be hard to do? But seriously, I got so busy I forgot to do it twice, and only remembered at the very end of the day the first time!
You must offer coffee to each living creature you encounter.
Luckily W’s house is the House of the Dead (as evidenced by C-D’s awesome dead roses picture here, from the shoot we did at W’s recently):
Infractions: none
Funny story. It turned bitter cold that day, and since W is gone, he leaves his thermostat turned way down. When I got to his house, I considered turning on the heat and heading over to Bread Co. to work there while the house heated up.  Then I remembered this instruction. Huh.
I decided to brave the cold at W’s, where nothing lives.
Total infractions for the day: 55


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