Wanton Wednesday – New Shoes

It’s almost always W that christens my new shoes.  He’s the one I buy them for, after all.  While Ad appreciates a good “leg” and enjoys seeing me strut around in my heels, he’d as soon see me in fuzzy slippers or barefoot.  As for fucking me in heels, well, he’ll do it if they don’t come off quick enough, or if I happen to be in them when he “wants some,” but he’s never asked me keep them on while he fucks me.  And sleep in heels?? Never…

Til the other night.
New shoes. Me doing a crossword puzzle in my cute panties and new silver heels.
He comes to bed after taking that picture and I continue to puzzle through my puzzle–
–for about five minutes before he grabs me, pushing the pad of paper out of the way and tossing my pencil aside, lifts me up and lays me, shoes and all, on top of him.  There was a brief tussle, with me playfully resisting and him grappling with me, til he got my panties off and pushed me down onto his cock, which was standing up like a flagpole.
Still in my shoes.


Awww...matching lizards...

(Shhh…there’s a click thru.  Go on, do it.  You know you wanna…)

But the best part? Laying in bed afterward, I didn’t wanna take my heels off. So I didn’t.  I slept in them all night. Apparently Ad liked it, because the next morning he woke me up with yet more lovin’…until I jabbed him in the shin.  “Hey!” he said.  “I’m not W. I don’t have to make sacrifices. Take off the heels!”


Be a part of Wanton Wednesday!

Note: Damn it’s been awhile since I participated!  Lilly has made a really cool change to the Wanton Wednesday blog & linking format, so be sure to go over there and check it out.  looks like it’s going to be much easier to take a gander at all the sexiness going on over there at the Wanton Wednesday party!

6 thoughts on “Wanton Wednesday – New Shoes

  1. I ove new shoes….been a while since I had a pair to be honest but nothing has caught my eye recently…..
    I love the matching lizards…..I shall be pointing that out to my Sir as soon as he gets to work.

    1. I didn’t even realize how closely they matched til I saw this picture. I got mine a long time ago (seems like another life, or maybe the beginning of this one.) Ad got his more recently, in honor of mine, but in his own style. I love that they do match!

  2. Jade I LOVE those heels!!!! Sooooooooooooooooooo HOT. I just bought a couple new pairs myself though not as high as yours. Check out the (3/25) post on the 2 girls blog. Anyway they look super HOT as always on you.
    Kara XOXO
    PS I would definitely get “naughty” with you in those heels 😉 Even make sure to wear of my own to 😀

  3. i love the new shoes and that you slept in them (i think i’d get too fidgety and rip them off mid-sleep)
    Nice post; found your site through wanton wednesday
    sex toys

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