Sheesh, where the hell have I been? It seems forever since I either acted on a Task or wrote about one. I gots me some tasks and updating to do!
Actually I knocked out two tasks this morning with my partner-in-crime Ad (and about knocked myself out in the process.) But more on that in a separate post. I just thought I’d do a quick run-down of where I am in W’s Task List, as well as my Personal Tasks (I’ll update that over on APL.) W’s going to be home in less than a week and I have fallen behind! (Yeah yeah, what’s new with that?)
This past week was a long, work-filled, empty-of-sex-or-kink week. But that’s life sometimes, though you might not think so by reading through my posts here. It’s true, though, I do do other things besides have and think about sex and kink.
So, where am I with the latest (and some past) tasks?
- Ad – Write an ad offering yourself for lease/rent.You know, as I mentioned here, I’m really struggling with this. It’s already overdue, so I make take a penalty on this one. Remains to be seen.
- High Heel Sex Log – Long term task – does not need to be accomplished all at once or on a particular time frame – but do need progress reports: High Heel Sex Log. Make a listing of all your high heels (3″ or higher). For each determine whether you’ve been fucked while wearing them. (Yes or No)Making slow, but steady, progress. I kinda made this one harder than it had to be by deciding that it couldn’t just be a TEXT log, it has to be a picture log. So…it’s a lil slow going.
- Stranger Fiction – Find a total stranger on FetLIfe. Based upon one or more of their photos, write a piece of fiction and publish somewhere it can be read by strangers. After publication contact the poster of the picture and tell them what you were required to do.This is also harder than I anticipated, not because I can’t do the task itself, but because of that last part “Tell them what I was required to do.” I am still contemplating it…but…we’ll see what happens with it.
- Public O – Due to popular demand. – Have an orgasm in the following places: car, restaurant, public restroom, public sidewalk, store of your choice. Penalty assessed for each omission.
Public Restroom
Store of My Choice
I really failed big time on this one, only completing two out of three. And worse yet, I was sooo relieved when I realized that I had passed the due date and not completed it–I didn’t have to try to make myself do it anymore! I had LOTS of opportunities to get’er done…but I just couldn’t do it. I was too inhibited, and without the element of coercion, it was too easy to just “take a penalty.” So I got three.
- Make Him Hard – Make an acquaintance or total stranger (someone other than a previous sex partner) hard. Technique is up to you – but it must be verified. Verification technique also up to you.
I did this one–and have a blog post to prove it! I just haven’t finished the post yet. Tried and tried this week, but after working an ungodly number of hours each day, I just couldn’t find any desire to write about sex. It’s coming (pun intended), promise!
- Thunder – Thunderstorms are in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow. For each thunderclap you hear smack yourself with a ruler (back of the hand is sufficient – other spots acceptable) and say ouch out loud. Each smack is to be done immediately. For circumstances where the thunderclap smack can not be executed immediately (talking with boss for example) the smack is to be executed later directly upon your pussy with vigor). Task active from now till Monday’s (April 4) bedtime (no earlier than 10 PM).
Haha–this would have been fun…if the thunderstorms had actually happened. Damn those weathermen! But the storms never developed and I was left un-smacked. Until this morning that is.I woke up to the sound of thunder. “Ad, wake up!” I said. “Is that thunder?” “Um, yeah, it is,” he mumbled. “Quick,” I said, “Smack me with a ruler!” There was a long pause while he felt around on the bed. (He was still half-asleep, give him a break.) Then: “Will an e-Reader do?” LMAO. It did.
- Rope purchase – Go to the hardware store. Wear high heels, makeup and something sexy. Buy a six foot length of rope. Nothing else. You may need assistance to find and cut it. Complete by Saturday April 9.
Getting ready to do this in just a bit–watch for pictures & story here! - Multiple O – Have ten orgasms in one hour. Each orgasm must be separate. There must be at least a three minute non-orgasmic separation between each orgasm. If you fail, repeat the task the next day. If still a fail, repeat the third day. If not completed after three days incur penalty. Complete by Monday April 11.Managed this the FIRST time! I was actually shocked that it could be done. (Baldy, Ad and numerous nasty toys are my friends.) Watch for a post with pictures here soon.Oh wait, I can’t leave you hanging THAT much. Here’s one picture, to whet your appetite.
Cooper looks worried... - Ten Things – Insert ten things from around the house in your hole. Complete by end of day, April 9 (OR 15 things by end of Sunday.)
Done. And that’s all I got to say about that. Until afore-mentioned blog post.