Month: May 2011
Wanton Wednesday – Embarkation
As promised, another view of Embarkation Day. Check out all the wantonness by clicking below.
In my fantasy, I am on my elbows and knees, ass lifted, legs spread to give the man behind me better access. He pumps into me steadily, almost mechanically, and really is mostly an afterthought, something I am barely paying attention to. It is the man in front of me…
30 Days of Kink: Day 7 – Favorite Toy
Day 7: What’s your favorite toy? Are we talking sex toy or BDSM toy? I’ll go with BDSM toy, since this is 30 Days of Kink. That’s a really hard one to call. I both love and hate all of W’s toys, all of his implements of misery, because he…
Wank Wednesday – Default
“No,” I say. This is always my default. Odd for a submissive woman, right? But that’s the truth of it. “No, don’t make me do that.” “No, I don’t want to hurt.” “No, I don’t want to experience that.” But in the end, I always end up saying “yes.” And…
Wanton Wednesday – Prisoner
Sometimes, you don’t need anything but a picture to tell a story. (Actually there are a number of pictures that go with this one, and a bit more of a story to tell, but that’s for another post.) 😉 Happy Wanton Wednesday, and be sure to check out all the…
30 Days of Kink: Day 6 – Weird Sex
Day 6: Describe your weirdest/most interesting sexual fantasy. God, I have so many sexual fantasies, and so many way out there fantasies, that it would be hard to pick just one. But I guess if we’re going for strange, the “weirdest” would be the alien-fuck fantasy. In it I am…
So we all know that occasionally I like to get smashed just-slightly inebriated and let the boys take advantage of me, right? And they like to do it too, and take full advantage of my insensible state, using and abusing and ass-fucking and pounding at me and into me until…
30 Days of Kink: Day 5 – Kink for the First Time
Day 5: What was your first kinky sexual experience? If you haven’t had one yet, talk about what you hope to have happen. Although my first husband and I had some pretty rough sex, and he held my wrists or pinned me down a few times, my first deliberately kinky…
Molly’s Kiss of the Week
I got a lovely email from a blogging friend today letting me know that my blog is her “Kiss of the Week” this week. How sweet! I first ran across Molly’s blog via the fabulous Dangerous Lilly and her Wanton Wednesday blog (which has led me to many sexy new-to-me…
So yeah, we’re getting back into our routine. 🙂 Part of our routine, is, of course (however) having a certain amount of flexibility on our part, to account for the many unexpected things that can come up in a day/week. For instance, a cold. W and I both caught some…