Wanton Wednesday – A Precarious Situation

As I mentioned, over the weekend there was lots of rope, some whipping, and lots of sex.  Thanks to the fact that Ad was there, we got some action shots, some even with W in them!
(Actually we got a lot more than just stills–they took video, which may show up on my new site, once I’ve got it together.)
I’ll let the photos speak for themselves about what took place–and what it took to finally knock me off my perch!
(There’s also a click thru in there, of how W put me back in my place after he knocked me off of it.) 😉

Check out the rest of the wantonness by clicking below!

wanton wednesday

6 thoughts on “Wanton Wednesday – A Precarious Situation

  1. You look absolutely awesome and the whip marks on the click through made me wrigglin in my seat…which set my flogger marks off again!

  2. Jade, you look so beautiful. I could just look at you all day in that outfit. ……of course the added bondage makes it even sexier 😉
    Kara XOXO

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