Payback’s a Bitch – The Payoff

Or so I thought. Five hundred and twenty-five whacks later and my debt to society–er, W–would be paid-in-full. Neither a borrower nor a lender be, right? Riiiighhhttt…. Anywho. This is how it started out, with me contemplating those 525 lashes of the flogger. This is how it ended up: Him:…

Payback to Come: 525

I still have one dollar to pay back to W of the three I borrowed (see the other two here: Pennies and Inflation.) A few weeks ago he set up exactly how I would pay it back: I could either count every digit on a handful of coins or every…

Wanton Wednesday – Beach Tease

Thought I would share some fun W and I had on the shore in Ocean City this past weekend. [slideshow] Whether it’s a little naked or a lot naked, baring your soul or baring your body parts, you are welcome to join us! Yes, you! Words, photos, whatever you want…


Most times, living between two houses is a positive thing. I have two places to call home, two places I feel secure, two men to love me and hold me all night. Sometimes both on the same night. But sometimes having two places makes me feel fractured, reflecting pieces of…