I Suck. (And not in the good way. Tho okay, I do that too.)

I was whining the other day about  not being invited to a friend’s birthday celebration. It wasn’t a very loud whine, more a whimper of self-pity, but nonetheless, it was something that, if only momentarily, made me feel sad. Why don’t I get invited to play in any of their…


Had a brief convo with a fellow Twitterer about the above photo. She didn’t like its “pornesque” quality, which I can certainly understand. It is obviously highly stylized. But what struck me about the picture, what caught my imagination, is the doll-like quality of the image.  To me, the humanness…


Sometimes I believe I am an emotional cripple. I can’t function when he’s not here; or at least not well. I pine for him.  Like seriously, old-timey-style pining, where I feel like the ache inside of me is so huge I can’t swallow around it, can’t catch my breath, want…

Sinful Sunday – The Bet

Okay, so I’ve teased you enough.  Just what was this bet that I lost? I thought that deaf people couldn’t drive. It only made sense to me–if a policeman can give you a ticket for having earphones in your ears – thus making you an unsafe driver – how could…

The Shore – Chincoteague Island

When we last left off… I was tied into a chair in a most compromising position. I escaped. Eventually. My favorite line of the trip came later that night, when all I wanted was to get warm and bathed, and I stood, looking with dismay at the bathtub, which was…

Dark Odyssey Wrap-Up (Yeah I know, it was a long time coming…)

I really am crappy at follow-up. I start things and don’t finish, say I’m going to do something and then get my head turned my the next shiny project, have something I want to talk about here in my blog, and have maybe even made notes about or mentioned in…

Wearables – Thong Thursday: Short & Sweet (and Kinda Funny)

The funny part about being me is–being me.  I’m kind of a goofball.  Seriously, sometimes I crack myself UP. For instance this whole bodily functions thing. Today W said my Wearable was a thong to work–“Thong Thursday,” he called it. (Cute, huh?) I know, in our world you’d think thongs…

Wanton Wednesday – Monica Lewinski, W and Me

Sometimes I think about Monica Lewinski and how she kept the President’s semen on her dress crusty and white in her closet for months. Blackmail material, I used to think. Now wearing the panties and dress I last wore at his house crusted with his and my dried juices that…

When Work & Play Meet

Today is the first day of NaNoWri (National Novel Writing Month.) As some of you already know, I have participated in the event, in a sometimes-perfunctory, sometimes-engaged fashion, for the past several years with my daughter. This year I wasn’t going to participate, but she has been insisting we do…