In 2010 I participated in a meme that I originally found over on the founder of Half-Nekkid Thursday’s blog. I didn’t do it last year, probably because that was when I stopped participating in HNT, due to a perceived negativity toward kink (and no I don’t want to start a flaming war or a big discussion on the rightness or wrongness of that perception, nor do I care if you share that opinion or participate or not–that was my own perception based on comments I read, and I chose not to be a part anymore. My readership hasn’t suffered because of it, and I’ve never felt the need to go back to it.) In any case, I really liked the meme, which was to post the first line of the first post of each month, with a link to that post. It’s a fun way for me to review the year, and for those of you that haven’t been around that long, might be an interesting way to poke back through the past year as I have shared it here.
Each link will open in a new window, so feel free to click thru – you won’t lose your place here.
First Lines in 2011
January – For the “It’s So Wrong File”: “As I hinted about in my post on APL, it doesn’t matter how down and out I am (or carved on and stitched up) I can’t stand to be around W for more than…well, hell, a couple of hours before my brain has turned to mush and all I want is to have kinky sex things done to me.”
Yup, still the case, though this post is even funnier because the “carved on and stitched up” reference was to the fact that I had just undergone major surgery, that would, in fact, take until almost this January to completely heal. It was only this past month that I really felt like my body was my own again, in fact. The post is pretty good though. I had to have been on some good drugs!
February – Wanton Wednesday – New Pretties: “I hurt myself today.”
Cool! It’s the post about when I decided to get my additional labia piercings, bringing the total to 5 sets. And about how I couldn’t resist fucking with them (literally.)
March – Don’t Change Me: “I was reading a post in one of my favorite discussion groups on Fet, ‘Not Quite Ready for Polite Company M/sers’–”
I like the way that Fet discussions sometimes spur some cogitating on my own relationships, and even more when I bring those cogitations over here. It doesn’t happen often enough, unfortunately. I just get too busy living life to write about it. This one discusses the importance of toenail polish. Sort of.
April – Task 15: Public O – Car: “I should title this one ‘Memory Lane’.”
I was apparently doing Tasks in March and April. (Yay for Tasks, sad that W was gone.)
May – Wanton Wednesday: Two-Fisted: “I’m bad.”
In which we find out just how bad I was on the cruise (and get to see a new “view” of my Guys!)
June – Wanton Wednesday – Blue: “We were fooling around, trying to work out ideas for a blue “dress” made of rope.”
This is what we ended up with. Plus pics of the boys looking sharp in their blue!
July – The Smell of Sex: “I wonder if men can smell when a woman’s been freshly fucked.”
Yes. Yes, they can.
August – A Much Needed Distraction: “I don’t usually share much about my family life in this space, but since it kind of informs how I spent my weekend, I’ll share a bit.”
Ahh…this was one of the pivotal moments in my family life–when my 16-year old son moved in with me permanently. He’s still here, and I am loving having him here. Apparently my fears were unfounded – but before I realized that I got to have a much-needed distraction at W’s.
September – Love, Guilt, Obligation, and Bel Canto: “I am feeling a bit guilty right now.”
This reminds me that last year was a rough one in a lot of ways. Lots of fun and kink! But also lots of working though things and adjusting. For us all. I think we’re coming out of that…and are stronger than we were before.
October – Fractured: “Most times, living between two houses is a positive thing.”
Wow. Re-reading this brought tears to my eyes. I know this is just supposed to be a first line, but this…is beautiful:
I turned over to my side, facing away from him. This is how I usually fall sleep, but that is always after we have loved on each other, or I have snuggled up against his side for awhile. I took a tremulous breath, and then another, wondering at the difference in our perceptions. How could he not feel this gulf between us? How could he not feel how strange and alone I felt?
And then he turned toward me and wrapped himself around me, pulling me tight against his body. For a long moment he simply held me snugly. I felt his body enfolding mine from the soles of my feet to the top of my head, every inch of him solid and warm. His hands roamed over my body, but not sexually, or at least not in any demanding way. More like…reacquainting himself with me. Touching every part of me. I felt his nose in my hair and his lips against the back of my neck, his breath even and reassuring. The weight of his leg across mine was a comfort, not a restriction. I felt his skin against mine and the familiarity of him, of the way he touched me, of how deeply he knew me, and I sighed and let myself fall back into him, into the circle of his body, into the circle of our deep knowing of each other.
November – When Work and Play Meet: “Today is the first day of NaNoWri (National Novel Writing Month.)”
A hodge-podge of thoughts about writing and play and relationships, and notes from a First Date.
December – The Last of the Michigan Pictures: “I’m posting the last of the pictures, thoughts and musings I have from our last days in Michigan over on A Poly Life: Michigan – Endings and Beginnings.”
I think the title says it all.
And that, my friends, is a wrap!
It’s a fun meme to do – you should give it a try. If you do, include your link here, so everyone can check out your post.
(PS – This is the first time I’ve tried a Linky, so hopefully it works right. Be a pal and give it a try, at least so I’ll know if I did it correctly.)
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The links I tried all worked.
Love the cruise picture of your men.