Sinful Sunday – A Sadist’s Heart

W has a funny idea of the romance of Valentine’s Day.
“Let’s make a heart,” I said.

He obliged.

But then they had to come off. (Me: Seriously??)

Yeah, seriously.


It's not just pinching the nips that hurts.

But...eventually the endorphins kick in.

The heart underneath the heart, revealed!

 Happy Valentine’s Day!

Sinful Sunday is all about the image.  This Sunday, the theme was “Underneath.”

Don’t forget to check out all the rest of the Sinful Sunday players at the link below!
Sinful Sunday

18 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday – A Sadist’s Heart

  1. Wow, wow, wow. That is incredible! Your love and dedication for each other is so apparent. My Master says, a heart within a heart. Happy Valentine’s Day, indeed!
    xoxo, Slut

  2. Holy hell in a bucket I don’t know what to say. You have sucked out all the words within me that might possibly make sense…. instead I shall just sit here and stare and imagine and admire….

  3. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments – and Happy Valentine’s Day (or UN-Valentine’s Day if that’s the way you roll! LOL!)
    I do have to let you all know (and I know I shouldn’t confess) but…it’s not as painful as it looks (shh, don’t tell the Mean Guy!) Or rather, it’s not as painful to ME as it might be to others. The endorphins kick in pretty quick, and even before, clothespins are one of those “pleasant” sensations for me that don’t necessarily translate to pain (though there is a little zing as each goes on and comes off.) 😉

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