Bonus! Tit Tuesday: Lunchtime Fun, with Rubberbands

I got a bonus, so so do you.
Occasionally W has me do things during my regular activities which might not be appropriate for that particular activity, but which only he and I know about – unless you either know what to look for, or are looking really closely.
We call Tuesdays “Tit Tuesdays” because he usually focuses that day’s activity, if he requires one, to revolve around — you guessed it — my tits. Tit collars, pinchy nipply things, my new Nipple Charms, like that.  He had plans for a rope bra, the metal bra and other similar devices, but winter petered out early and those are hard to do with summer clothes on.  But still some fun can be had, with a little imagination and some foresight.
Today my missive was, “Wear rubber bands on your nipples (for a couple minutes at most – they can be hard to get off and painful.)”
So I wore them to get my sandwich at lunch.
I don’t often get out of my office lately, and even less often go out for lunch, but today I’d forgotten to bring anything to eat, so although I could only afford enough time to run across the street for a sandwich to bring back, I knew that would be the perfect situation to wear them in.
I actually wore a very, light, silky shirt and a thin bra today, thinking he might ask me to do something. When I got the rubber bands on, I considered removing the bra, and if I hadn’t had to walk across my office to get to the door I might have anyway, but the rubber bands I had to use were fairly large, and REALLY made my nipples stand out, even in the bra.  So I kept it on. But if you were looking at my tits, you could see, besides pokie titties, odd lumps and bulges around my nipples. It made me giggle.

In the bathroom at the Subway. VERY standee-upee nipples!

And...out of the blouse. I like!

Of course the door got knocked on three times in the short amount of time it took me to take this picture, startling me half to death every time!
And then, when I got back to my office, sandwich in hand, my phone rang. I was on a call for a half hour. W’s admonition to wear them for only a few minutes went out the window. And yep, he was right – they WERE hard to get off, and woo-wee were my nips tender!
But they made my nipples such a pretty shade of purple!

5 thoughts on “Bonus! Tit Tuesday: Lunchtime Fun, with Rubberbands

  1. I’ve got rubber bands I bought specifically for this purpose, but haven’t indulged yet… maybe this coming week 🙂

    1. Hey Kazi! I love elastics too. The one thing to be cautious about is that they do get REALLY tight really quick, and can be difficult/painful to get off (think about ripping an elastic out of your hair), so be careful about how long you have them on/how tight you make them.

      1. Thanks! I’m sure it’s something I’ll have to build up to, but looking forward to giving it a go! 🙂
        ~Kazi xxx

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