Picture Request – Sweater Bondage

Occasionally we get a Picture Request that isn’t necessarily “our thing,” but usually we find a way to make it fun. (A good example of that is the Bastinado Request. Because W’s so into heels, he’d never really considered bastinado as a form of torture, in spite of me having expressed an interest in it. Doing it for the request, however, he found that he really enjoyed it.)  The request for having me bound in a sweater wasn’t quite that far off W’s interests, though: it’s bondage, right?  So tho he’s never had a thing for a girl in a sweater, he was perfectly happy to fulfill it. (Though now that I think of it, Ad does have a bit of a sweater fetish – the softer and tighter the sweater the better – so maybe if we do another sweater bondage shoot we’ll have to conscript Ad and have him “help” out.) 😉  In any case, this particular request wasn’t sent in as an “official” request, but as a comment on my Cardinal Red pictures, in which I was wearing a sweater. “More sweater bondage” was the comment.
It was a day that I knew I’d have a long lunch hour, so I asked W if we couldn’t do a little bondage at lunch. He suggested the sweater bondage request, and I spent the night before picking out the pieces of my outfit: sweater, skirt and tights all in sweater material!  W ended up doing a pretty, but quite restrictive, tie on me, with the final touch being using my scarf (also of softest cashmere) as a blindfold. Fun!

Without the blindfold, and me being goofy. (Isn't that pretty ropework?)

Here it is with the scarf/blindfold.

The back of the tie, so you can see I wasn't just resting my elbows on the shelf.

And a couple of close-ups. Of the front...

...and from the side.

And interesting (and unexpected) side effect of this was that I don’t often get blindfolded in scene with W. He likes to see my facial expressions, to read my emotions in my eyes, to look at me and know what I am feeling. But being blind adds a degree of vulnerability that, although I have experienced it a couple of times in the past, I wasn’t prepared for. In this instance, because my time was so limited, he didn’t do anything else to me, but as soon as I was rendered blind, all my senses went on super-alert, and suddenly every sound and motion I could detect was a potential threat.  It was an unusual sensation, and one I hope to explore further at some future time.

If you have some exquisite bit of torment you’d like to see W visit upon my oh-so-delicate-and-innocent body, or some bit of punishment you think I really really deserve, or simply have an image in your mind that you’d like for him to capture for you in photographs, click here to go to the Picture Request Form, or click here to read more about what this whole “Picture Request” thing is about.

4 thoughts on “Picture Request – Sweater Bondage

  1. My Dear Jade, Thank you for exploring this somewhat new idea. You have now achieved the first level of sweater bondage, but there are many more devilish ways to tranform someone into a sweater slave! One involves covering someone in multiple layers of sweaters, hoods, mittens and leggings until they are transformed into a complete sweater mummy. Then they are tightly bound. It is a unique form of isolation. Spend several hours this way and you will know what I mean. Thank you again. If you are curious about what I mean, you can find a session I did to showcase sweater bondage for seriousimages.com.

  2. The bondage is beautiful! and I will say that I love to be blindfolded in sessions just because it does ramp up the other senses and give me the freedom to just let go….
    ~Kazi xxx

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