Sinful Sunday – Spanked

Have had a wonderfully sinful Sinful Sunday so far, which I will write more about later, since I am supposed to be doing final edits on a piece of “real” writing (read: a story to be submitted for publication.) (I’m almost done, I swear!) (The deadline is today.)

Writing for Sinful Sunday
See? I'm writing!

But here’s how I got ready to write. (Ad says, “We’re home, write naked.” W says, “Except for heels.” I forget that I went out to breakfast in tit collars, so those stay on too.  And Ad decides that spanking my ass is a good way to motivate me.)
Sinful Sunday action shot.
Action shot.

Sinful Sunday Ouch

Spanking laughter
Ad: "You're the strangest girl. 'Ouching' and laughing at the same time."

Big red paw print.

To see who else is being sinful, click the link below!

Sinful Sunday

14 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday – Spanked

  1. You can let Ad know that you are not the only ‘strange’ one as I often laugh during some of the most ouchie moments. In fact last weekend when I was hung by my wrists and being beaten until bloody I found myself laughing when most people I suspect would be crying…. although knowing you Jade…. sounds you would be laughing too. I am glad I now alone in that one.

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