Wanton Wednesday – Chair

W bought a chair the other day.  A special chair, a type that he’d been looking for, so that he could do special things.  This is one of those things.

I think I love his chair.
Well it looks like this is the second to last edition of Wanton Wednesday! I am so sad to see it go. I was very happy to have a place to post “my kind” of pictures when the (now defunct) HNT became a little too…restrictive…for me.  But I do understand Lilly’s reasoning (although, other than Sinful Sunday, I don’t know of another weekly-sexy-picture-posting meme.) 🙁 Whatever will I do now on Wednesdays, when I just wanna post some especially naughty picture?

Anyway, head on over to the WW blog and check out this week’s players – many of them, like me, have been around since the beginning!
Wanton Wednesday

8 thoughts on “Wanton Wednesday – Chair

  1. Ohhh can we see a full pic of the chair… I want to see how you are so reclined and that image is hot. There is nothing like finger probing to push me over the edge.
    Ps… Seems like you would be keen on a Wednesday place to play….

  2. I tried to start a meme such as this, and it met with absolutely zero response… perhaps someone who has a wider readership can give it a try…
    The chair gives me some ideas 😉
    ~Kazi xxx

  3. Yes, I wanna see more of the chair too!!
    I’ve loved having you participate dear and glad I could give you a home for awhile.

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