Month: June 2012
Scavenger Hunt – Cemetery
Sometimes doing the Alphabet Challenge gives me the opportunity to get my Scavenger Hunt exhibitionism on as well. I’ll be posting more about the Letter G (we used the term “graveyard” for the Alphabet Challenge, though it is technically a cemetery) soon, but here are a couple snaps at Bellefontaine…
Picture Request – 6×6 Matrix: Orgasm #6
As promised, the last of the orgasms inspired by the 6×6 Matrix Picture Request. Read about the rest here: Orgasm #1, Orgasm #2, Orgasm #3, Orgasm #4 (Fail), Orgasm #4 (Success) and Orgasm #5. Orgasm #6 1. 6 orgasms in one day – #6 2. 6 different hours of the…
Post-Twisted Tryst: I’m Back!
We’re back from Tryst! I’ve sat here at my laptop several times since we got back Sunday night, meaning to update ya’ll on our trip, but I’ve been fuzzy since we got back, and sooo unable to concentrate, so I’ve kept myself to making lists: what I did, what I…
Picture Request – 6×6 Matrix: Orgasm #5
Read about Orgasms 1, 2, 3, 4 (Fail) and 4 (Success). Orgasm #5 1. 6 orgasms in one day – #5 2. 6 different hours of the day – 6:29 PM 3. 6 different locations – Lone Star Restaurant, somewhere off Hwy 55, north of Memphis 4. 6 different positions…
Picture Request – 6×6 Matrix: Orgasm #4 – A Do-Over & Success!
Success! Here’s my initial failure. The Guys made me try again once I got back to the car. I actually kind of whined about it. I had tried, I had failed. On to the next thing, right? But no, they were determined that I should succeed at the challenge set…
Picture Request – 6×6 Matrix: Orgasm #4 – FAIL
Up to this point, Orgasms 1, 2 and 3 had gone down pretty seamlessly. Number 4 was my first FAIL. Orgasm #4 – FAIL 1. 6 orgasms in one day – #4 2. 6 different hours of the day – 5:20 PM 3. 6 different locations – Gas station, somewhere…
Picture Request – 6×6 Matrix: Orgasm #3
Six orgasms in six hours. Here’s how #3 went down. (Start at the beginning and see what this is all about here.) Orgasm #3 1. 6 orgasms in one day – #3 2. 6 different hours of the day – 4:15 PM 3. 6 different locations – Hwy 55, somewhere…
Picture Request – 6×6 Matrix: Orgasm #2
And the orgasms go on… (start at the beginning and see what this is all about here.) Orgasm #2 1. 6 orgasms in one day – #2 2. 6 different hours of the day – 2:06 PM 3. 6 different locations – Parking lot of a Best Buy store 4.…
Picture Request – 6×6 Matrix: Orgasm #1
As I mentioned in this post, for the next few days I’ll be posting the results of a special, multi-part Picture Request. The “6×6 Matrix” refers to a game that one of my readers set up. The rules of the game were: 1. 6 orgasms in one day 2. 6…
I spent my lunch hour yesterday trying on “destructible” slutwear at Goodwill. I feel a little bad about buying clothes there, knowing that their sole purpose is to be able to be destroyed. What about all the sluts that can’t afford to shop anywhere else? I feel like I am…