Friday Favorites – Week of July 1

My favorites this week from Rebel’s Wicked Wednesday and Molly’s Sinful Sunday players.
I absolutely adore Dee’s cheeky grin in this photo! Click the photo to see the rest of the pictures in her parasol and corset series. (From Curvaceous Dee.)

First, one of my favorite Sesame Street characters in a special “Count” video. Then the realization that she, too, has lost count a time or two.  (I’ll be telling you about my own adventure losing count in my first abduction and gang bang at Fusion soon!) (From A Slut’s Memoir.)

There is just something moody and sensual in this photo that I love.  Click to find more of her libidinous musings. (From Love Hate Sex Cake.)

And I’m not the most patriotic person, but her adorable panties are enough to make me a patriot! (From Miss Lilly’s Pad.)

Each Friday that I can manage, I bring you my favorite photos and writings from Sinful Sunday, Wicked Wednesday, e[lust], and around the web.

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