Wicked Wednesday – Alphabet Challenge: G is for Graveyard

I figured since I posted my last Alphabet Challenge out of sequence, I better post the next one in the sequence, or ya’ll think I don’t know my alphabet.  And since this one felt especially wicked (though it looks so very sweet!) I decided I’d use it for this week’s Wicked Wednesday (now in its new home!)
I’ll be in New Orleans all the rest of this week – hoping to be able to make a couple updates from the scene of the crime, the Naughty in Nawlins’ swinger convention, but I don’t know if I will make it around to all the Wicked Wednesday’s and Sinful Sunday’s, and definitely won’t have a Friday Faves this week.  But I will try to get around to everyone next week, so keep that sinful, sexy wickedness coming!
And now, the rest of the Alphabet Challenge – G is for Graveyard photos that I hinted at in my cemetery Scavenger Hunt post.

The Bellefontaine Cemetery is one of the oldest in St. Louis, and we went way back to the oldest part of it. I loved reading the headstones from the 1800’s. Some were so worn away that we couldn’t read them at all. And the grounds are just gorgeous.

I actually wanted them to tie me straddling or bent over the grave marker, but W is (surprisingly, to me) more reverent than I would have thought (and than I am, certainly!) So W just had Ad tie me next to the marker.

The dress, a thrift store find that my friend Mj helped me alter in a very special way, really made this shoot, giving it a genteel, old-fashioned feel that I love.

Just being in it made me feel a little angelic.

I can’t maintain that sweetness for long tho – the sass has got to come out!

Of course we all know by now what the dress’s secret is.

And why I hardly needed rope on me to feel wicked!

Join me in checking out all the rest of the wickedness by clicking the link below!

7 thoughts on “Wicked Wednesday – Alphabet Challenge: G is for Graveyard

  1. Oh, beautifully wicked 🙂
    Sir and I started on a modified alphabet challenge this past weekend, inspired by all of this. I’m doing it a bit differently than Rope on the Run, being the solo act I am… but hope to have it completed by the end of the month 🙂
    ~Kazi xxx

    1. You know I thought of you when I started this. I was going to ask if you wanted to participate, and link back and forth in our posts, because it seemed EXACTLY like something you would enjoy (and excel at!) Very cool that you’re doing it! If you like, let me know when you add one, in case I miss it, and if I’ve done that letter I’ll link to your post.

  2. I drive pass our cemetery about once a week and each time I do, I think of you. Who knows, one day I might follow this example and make Scavenger Hunt photos there. I love yours!
    When I saw your dress the first time I thought: I want one like that! And now that I see it again, I still want one 🙂
    Great post!
    Rebel xox

  3. I have some graveyard ones waiting to be posted too…. I loved the location to be honest, something rather ‘dark’ about the whole thing and the other day on our travels we found another graveyard and I so had the urge to strip off and do more there.
    Oh and I fucking LOVE that dress….

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