Friday Favorites – July 27th

This week I get to include favorite posts from e[lust] #38, which just came out this week, the Wicked Wednesday and Sinful Sunday I missed while I was in NOLA, and this week’s WW and SS – so this post has a lot in it, and some darn good reading as well as sexy photos!
First up, a new (to me) blog, that’s messed up, by someone I’ve seen around Fet, but didn’t realize even had a blog. I’m favoriting her post “Anticipation,” and drawing your attention to it primarily because it drew me to her long series of posts of her adventures at Fusion. Love reading about others’ experiences there, and I think you will too.
Public Tease in The Domme Chronicles. Teasing a complete stranger in a crowded concert, without ever knowing who they are/what they look like? Yumm.
Literary Wench’s Deal Breakers – I liked this post not so much because of the content (what her deal breakers are) but because it gave me some food for thought about what my own deal breakers might be, and I love a post that makes me think. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I haven’t sorted through my thoughts on them, yet, but you’ll probably see something in a post in the future, if I know how my writing brain works.
More than I bargained for in Molly’s Daily Kiss – There’s a freakishly hot picture that goes with her post (there always is!) but what I loved about this entry is her words. Sometimes I think that girl and I share one brain. ๐Ÿ˜‰

“…because I want to push it, because I want SO BADLY TO BE MADE TOO (sic). I want the fight, the struggle, the physical exertion. I want to be on my knees but not because I slipped down there but because I was man handled kicking and screaming down there…”

More hot reading: Rebel’s Touching & Gropingย  Again, I could have written this. I had a similar experience when I was about 14 and my older sister(!) set me up with her best friend’s brother. Her nineteen year old brother. (What was she thinking?!)
Clive’s Cover Boy just made me giggle. And he’s damn clever with Photoshop!
More sexy reading – it’s the ending that got me! ๐Ÿ™‚ Stranded in Toronto’s Cuffed and Caught.
Born in a Barn by Yossarian – Love how this feels like a Renaissance painting. A very naughty Renaissance painting.
CitizenM in Girl, Uninterrupted – My favorite is obviously the last one (and I am sure it will be W’s as well.) ๐Ÿ˜‰
The Ties That Bind in Through Opened Eyes. I love the colors and the focus on the ribbon, with the soft peek through it to beyond.
And Kazi has joined in the Alphabet Challenge in her own special way over on Dragon’s Kink with the ABC’s of Bondage! Please welcome her and her and her Top’s wonderful creativity!
And lastly, I absolutely love the light in this click-thru in Lady Pandorah’s Hey There Mister Blue.
And that’s it for this round-up folks!
I am off on my Great Roller Coaster Adventure with my son in just a few minutes, but I scheduled a fun post for Sinful Sunday for you.ย  Since I won’t be here to add it to the Sinful Sunday list, don’t forget to check back! ๐Ÿ™‚

5 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – July 27th

  1. Thank you for the mention!!
    I will be continuing the alphabet these next three weeks on Sinful Sunday, finished snapping for it this week ๐Ÿ™‚
    ~Kazi xxx

  2. Thank you very much for the mention!
    I love how many of us share similar experiences. It’s wonderful to share those experiences with the worlds ๐Ÿ™‚
    Rebel xox

  3. I love this kind of curated list of reads with a little synopsis of each, especially when I’ve not read them.
    Thank you for it, and for including mine. Off to have a peek at the others now.

  4. Ohhh thank you very much for featuring my post here. Funnily enough I often have the same thoughts about you when reading many of your posts.

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