The Pussy Pride Project

Over on Molly’s Daily Kiss, the irrepressible Molly hosts the Pussy Pride Project. I’d been meaning to write something for it for some time, but never got around to it.  But now that I have recently gotten it newly adorned, I decided it’s a perfect time to talk about my cunt.
Cuz you know, I never talk about it any other time. 😉
As most of you probably know by now, I have 10 inner labia piercings.  I love my rings, though they have been challenging at times (especially during healing) and still can be (having a job in which I sit on them all day can lead to daily discomfort and irritation, if not, at times, outright pain.)  And yet, in spite of that, I have kept them in, and have no plans to remove them any time soon, even if the “year” requirement that W imposed has passed.
Besides, in W’s estimation, those are good reasons to keep them in.
Sometimes I get to feeling like they are just “another thing.” An accessory no more notable than the nail polish or lipstick I wear. Appreciated and noted in a cursory way, but not a source, any longer, of a hard dick, or dirty thoughts, or evil plans.
Sometimes I think maybe they’ve become “everyday.” Mundane. No longer original or exciting.
But then I am at W’s and I am sitting at his desk and I complain about them pinching and he turns around and grins. “I like that. It makes my cock hard to know that they are pinching you. Making you a little uncomfortable, every day.  It makes me hard to know you’re thinking about your cunt all day. That every day you are reminded that you are a cunt, and that you’re my cunt, and that you’ve got those rings there because I want them there.”
Oh yes, there’s a reason I put myself through all this.
That said, I know that my piercings are not to everyone’s taste. In fact, recently someone with whom W has scheduled a playdate asked to have them removed for the play session because he doesn’t like them.
Um…no. These are a part of me. This is me, this is my cunt, and my rings are part of it and part of me. Love me, love my cunt, exactly as it is.  It actually made me feel a little bad to be asked that at first.  Self-conscious.  But then I took a look at myself, at my beautiful, unique – and yes, beringed – pussy, and I realized…I have nothing to be ashamed of.  My rings are as much a part of me as any other part, and, in a way, they define who I am. I am unique. I am powerful and sexual and daring and brave. I am beautiful and unafraid to be exactly who I am.  This is me, this is my pussy, rings and all.

I love my those soft lips nestled inside the steel jaws of my labia rings.

I love it when W uses my cunt as a tool to cause me consternation…

…and as a tool for pleasure.

I love it “decorated”…

…and in all it’s “undecorated” glory.

I love when W creates evil devices to use on it…

…and that he thinks it’s so beautiful he made a piece of ponygear to showcase it.

I love that it turns him on so much to spread it open…

…and that he obliges me so much by stuffing it full.

I love that he likes to hurt my cunt…

…and that he doesn’t mind when it hurts him back.

I love how the Guys shove things in it…

For pleasure…

For torture…

And just because it’s the right thing to do.

I love knowing I’ve got a secret under my clothes that no one else does. (The piercings, not the pussy! Ha.)

Whether it’s decorated…

Or not.

I love all the wicked things W does to it.

And the things I do to it.

See my new piercing? It’s the little ball at the top (or bottom, depending on your perspective.) It’s a fourchette.

This is me, this is my pussy.

It’s beautiful!

See all the posts at Molly’s “Pussy Pride Project”!

Pussy Pride

17 thoughts on “The Pussy Pride Project

      1. You should be proud. I found myself smiling when reading this. I hope to acheive some of things you have. As for now, I can lose myself in your blog.

  1. wow…this was are so beautiful and i am so happy to be able to read and see these pictures.. you got me pussy throbbing just reading and looking at these photos. 🙂 thank you!

  2. That is an awesome piece. thank you for sharing your thoughts and your pics. I am so glad you were featured in e[lust]! I hope all my readers find you! You and your pussy are fantastic!

  3. Delightful article. I’d go one step further…hang some bells from it under your dress as you go about the day. People will hear the bells but not certain where the sound is coming from and will be hesitant to ask.

    1. No need for an apology for feeling a certain way. I happen to believe that forced body modifications are wrong as well. I think if you’ve read the story of my piercings tho, how and why I got them, you’ll see that never once did my Owner persist, insist or even ASK me to get them. Every one of them was because I wanted them and I chose to get them. He was always and is always very, very clear that that decision is no part of D/s games, and I have made the choices to get them entirely on my own. Would I have gotten so many if he didn’t love them too, if they weren’t such a turn on for him? Who can say. But to get them was and is MY choice and MY decision, and I do not regret that decision for a moment. I love my pussy, I love my piercings, and that’s enough for me.

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