Month: August 2012
Sinful Sunday – Tied In
It was a Sinful Saturday, actually, but it did lead to some sin this morning, too. 😉 ~click thru to see what it’s holding in~ Sinful Sunday is all about the image. Check out who else is being Sinful at the link below. Â
e[lust] #39
Photo courtesy of Ava Grace Welcome to e[lust] – The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Want to be included in e[lust]…
Just because…
The night started with a surprise about what we were going to do. First there was this: Then this: Then this: And later, the Girl Who Has Escaped.
In which the Missy does her part to spread poly goodness to the vanilla masses. Or at least her Stepmom’s friends.
The Missy and I had dinner last night after she and I went to get her industrial piercing. Which, btw, looks awesome. And during which the subject of my own piercings never came up (I took her to Courtney at Cheap Trx, who did all mine.) Anyway, while eating yummy…
Wicked Wednesday – It’s Time for the Next Letter in the Alphabet: H!
Yeah, yeah, I went out of order with the Letter L, but I’m back in order now. H is for Hot Tub. We had lots of fun at a friend’s house, playing in their hot tub in their backyard. [slideshow] For more Wicked Wednesday entries, click the link below!
Mindset of a Plugged Girl
My Owner is an inveterate, unapologetic scientist at heart. A mad scientist, but a scientist, none-the-less. Today he sent me an email, after I had updated him on my Anal August doings of last night and today (six hours plugged during sleep, worn today for about two hours before bodily…
An Experiment
I’m bored (I know, hard to believe) but I AM (I SUCK at being alone!) so whole I wait for my massage therapist, I thought I’d check out posting in my blog via my phone. Because Jesus Fuck, I may never get my freaking computer back! And also, two glasses…
I don’t do it often, and I don’t particularly like to do it, but, what the hell. It’s nice to be recognized occasionally. As some of you know, I write occasionally for what used to be Eden Cafe, but is now SexIs Social. Recently they announced a writing contest, part…
Sinful Sunday – Less Sin, but Lots of Fun
I was able to access pics and such on W’s computer, so I decided to post a Sinful Sunday after all (I just can’t help myself.) 😉 This day wasn’t so sinful, but it was an awful lot of fun – a whole day of it with the guys that…
Friday Faves, on Sunday – August 10
So since I can’t post sexy pictures of my own for Sinful Sunday this week, I’m gonna post links to my favorite sexy pictures from last week’s, in case you missed them. Yep, I’m all about getting the sexy out to you, any way I can. So, without further ado,…