Sinful Sunday – Patterns & Pokies

Sinful Sunday is all about the image.

This image is a bit of a tease.

What caused that pretty pattern?

Something not-so pretty.

(For a more interesting perspective – and if you’re curious if I actually enjoy this shit – check out the click-thru. It’s pretty obvious exactly how I feel about it.)

Sinful Sunday

17 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday – Patterns & Pokies

  1. At first the lovely pattern looks like it came from a simple outdoor chair of some sort…but knowing your blog, I knew better, even before the rest of the pictures 😉

    1. Actually you are absolutely correct…the chair IS an outdoor chair an that is the pattern the wrought iron left on me for the most part…there are some particularly deep red spots that are from the pokie pad though.

    1. It’s hard to say how long a scene it was. The other night we played for a good two hours (apparently)…I thought it’d been just a short while. Time flies when you’re having fun, right?

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