750 MORE Words. Actually 1300+.

Okay, I’m not going to do this every day. You won’t have to put up with my 750 rambling words all the time. But every so often, they aren’t bad words, or I write stuff that should go here rather than just live in their little 750 word website space,…

Alphabet Challenge – P is for Piasa, Pub & Power Plant

We’d had a great day hunting for O’s, and ended up with several P’s as well. We’d started out here, at an Oil Refinery. That was a fortuitous and completely random side-road excursion that turned into several cute pics and even a Scavenger Hunt. (You’ll get to see that later…

750 Words

Look at me, I’m writing. 750 words, to be exact. Well possibly more, but not less. Because there’s this damn website, 750words.com, that I love, and I am on a 6-day streak, and unlike yoga (which I can allow myself to beg out of due to excessive stress placed upon…

Sometimes, Words Fail

Sometimes, words fail. Sometimes, it is simply an act, or a look, or a feeling, that defines a moment. The other night it was all of those things. We’d had a failure of another sort the night before and both of us had ended the evening feeling a bit…tender maybe.…


It has been an incredibly productive few days. I guess my little overloaded brain decided to kick in gear, after my pity-party “I can’t get it all done!” post. I still feel like I don’t have enough time to do it all, but…I am getting some of it done. I…

Wicked Wednesday – Social Butterfly

I recently saw a tattoo that’s been going around Pinterest: “Accept nothing less than butterflies.” I love that saying, and not just because I vacillate so often between being a butterfly and having butterflies, either. It really does epitomize how I feel about life, and how it should be lived:…

There’s just never enough hours in the day…

I’m laying here in bed writing this on my phone because I want to get it down before I lose it and before the rest of my day begins. I also want to avoid the multitude of distractions and responsibilities that I will face once I get on the computer.…

Pussy Pride Redux – Sex with Rings

Awhile back I wrote a post for the Pussy Pride Project on Molly’s Daily Kiss. I had a lot of fun with that post, and I have enjoyed reading other contributions to the meme. Recently I got a couple of replies to that post, and since I enjoy talking about…

An Update

I’m just not cut out for “normal” life.  This past weekend I spent two-and-a-half days with my mom. Who I love very, very much. But who drove me batshit crazy.  After only two days.  (I had taken her on a road trip to Wichita – seven-and-a-half hours in a car…

Sinful Sunday – Elevator

Since a recent post was a Scavenger Hunt and Alphabet Challenge from the Big Easy, it seems only right that I should wrap up that trip with one last tittie flash (I apparently did a lot of flashing there in N’awlins, imagine that!) This also qualifies for a Scavenger Hunt…