An Update

I’m just not cut out for “normal” life.  This past weekend I spent two-and-a-half days with my mom. Who I love very, very much. But who drove me batshit crazy.  After only two days.  (I had taken her on a road trip to Wichita – seven-and-a-half hours in a car with just her! – to visit my eldest son, his wife and their baby.) It was delightful in some ways, but seriously? I couldn’t wait to get home. To get back to my “normal.” How W survived eight days of “normal” life with his ex and family while he was in NY I’ll never know, although prior to this past weekend I don’t think I was as sympathetic to his plight as I now am.
It’d been a long, long time since I was around “normal” people.  Give me back my loony perverts now, okay?
I’ve been back three days now, though, and though I am around my very own beloved pervs (Ad and W) I’m still in “normal” land. Working. Being a mom. Doing yoga and bike riding and reading and crocheting and planning trips and going to bed early.  Being a vanilla girlfriend. (Without even the vanilla sex part!) Oh, we talk about anything we want, so there’s that, but as for doing anything kinky (or even sexy)…  Not so much. Weird when you consider that we spent all day with W Monday, then he stayed over here last night and worked at home with me today, and is staying here tonight. But we’ve been (aside from looking at kinky pictures of past playdates and some minimal discussion of kink-in-the-future) pretty damn vanilla.
I don’t mind.
Okay, I do mind, goddamn it! I am long overdue for some serious kink.
All right, all right, it was my fault I didn’t get my ass whipped the last time I was at W’s. The night before I left to head up to Wichita with my lil ole Mommy, W and I had a lovely, romantic evening together. A very romantic vanilla evening, because I said I was just in the mood to snuggle. Which I was…and which was really wonderful.
But…sometimes…I wish he would be in the mood for kink – and nevermind what I was in the mood for or not!
Sigh.  As soon as I say “I’m too tired,” or “I just feel like (not playing),” I want to stuff a rag in my mouth and take it back. Because I always regret it later. Especially when I end up not getting to play for weeks and weeks after. Okay, not weeks and weeks. It’s only been…uh…
Hell, it has been two weeks! No wonder I am getting my stompy-feet, I-wanna-play, pissy-pants on.
Anyway. It looks like we may have the opportunity for some play coming up. We have a friend coming over to W’s Friday (actually this is the friend-that-is-turning-into-a-possible-play-partner) to have a drink, talk, and check out how we play. W always likes abusing me in front of people. And Saturday we are going to a swinger party with a completely new group of people, at a brand-new venue. That won’t be kink play, though maybe we will find a way to get our kink on “on the down-low.” (Is that the right way to use that phrase?) 😉 At least (if Lil Sister doesn’t decide to be a bitch) we’ll get some sex play. And if she is, I’ll get to dress up slutty and maybe dance a bit, maybe get semi-naked, maybe flirt a bit, and at least meet some new folks. Could be fun? Or could be a bust. If it’s a bust, maybe I can get W to beat the hell outta me. You know, as punishment. Or something.
The following weekend is our kink group’s annual Halloween party. That’s always a good time, though not always the best venue for play, as it is usually very crowded. This year I think we may be bringing Topaz, my wild-pony persona. Topaz doesn’t get out much and will need her Guys to wrangle her. Remember this scene? So…it could be a bit of fun. The weekend after that we have been invited to yet another new party venue, a kinky one this time, and then the following weekend we leave for the cruise! An entire week of sea, sun, kink, sex and partying bracketed by two weekends of traveling to and from Florida, in which I hope the guys will be very proactive in getting started with our fun early, and keeping it going until the last possible moment.  Then after we get back, I have family-time again: taking my daughter on our annual mom/daughter retreat, which has moved from the summer to Thanksgiving vacation somehow, and turned into our own little NaNoWriMo retreat. Because, yes, in case I didn’t mention it, we’re participating in that craziness again. (I think I did mention it, actually. I must be getting old – I’m starting to repeat myself!)
And…that’s all I got for now. Wish me luck in having something awful get done to me, okay?

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