Sinful Sunday – Cruise Ship Scavenger Hunt

So my last post regarding the cruise was a bit on the wordy/heavy side, but sometimes I gotta get stuff out of my head. Just to show you how much fun we actually had, and that we were doing some naughty stuff on that ship-of-naughtiness, here are some pics we took for my efforts to achieve another notch in my Scavenger Hunt belt.
And no, I didn’t see “Cruise Ship” on Dee’s list. Oops. 😉

Embarkation Day. This is me in my “vanilla” version.

Getting a little naughtier.

And naughtier still, in the Viking Lounge.

And I’m all out of control! 😉

And then, later that night, again at the Viking Bar, playing with a stranger. He was afraid I might fall through the window.

The three of us at sunset.

Semi-vanilla. First one Guy…

Then the other. 🙂

A little hint beneath the sheer material…

Finally, a little skin.  (And the new tattoo!)

The other side.

And showing it all off!

Go on over and see who else is getting Sinful this Sunday!

Sinful Sunday

19 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday – Cruise Ship Scavenger Hunt

  1. Oh, that’s just epic Jade! Congratulations for being the first to knock off the ‘Boat / Ship’ category (I’ve been pondering the idea for a while, living in the City of Sails – but don’t know anyone with a boat, dammit – and the ferries are a tad crowded).
    xx Dee

    1. Cool, there IS a category for it! I actually got one on a rather famous sailboat as well, but couldn’t find the damn pic to upload it! LOL I’ll have to post it another time as an “ancillary” Scavenger Hunt to this one. ~grin~

  2. I love the sunset photos and of course that ‘dress’ you’re wearing!
    BTW, I went back to look, my place on the Top 100 Sex Bloggers list is thanks to you, you’re the one nominated me. THANK YOU 🙂

    1. Very well deserved, my friend. 🙂 I recall one time (if I am not mistaken) that you questioned if yours was a “sex blog.” I maintain that it is…but of course so much more. An intelligent, thinking man’s (and woman’s) sex-blog-plus. Congrats on the placement! 😀

  3. Fun series, my favorite is the sunset/tattoo photo, just gorgeous! I also love how your friend was holding your ankle, just in case 🙂

  4. I want to go on that cruise! The picture of the 3 of you with the sunset is beautiful…. and W looks like such a pussy cat (I know, they often do) and there is something about that that makes them even more attractive I find!

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