M is for…
Merry Masochist
Today is Sunday – and it is week 565 of Sinful Sunday, the incredibly popular weekly meme hosted by friend and fellow blogger Molly, of Molly’s Daily Kiss. The first Sunday of the month is always a prompt day, with today’s prompt being the Letter M: “the idea of this prompt is to pick a word that, in this case begins with the Letter M and create an image inspired by it.” (You can see all the participants for the letters A – L by clicking here.)
I haven’t participated much in Sinful Sunday the last few years, I’m sad to say, but I’ve really been enjoying getting my toes wet again in my blog through February Photofest, and it seems only natural to link up the two memes. Too, it helps enormously to have a partner that appreciates me blogging, and in fact insists on it as part of my mental/emotional health regimen.
So yeah…it’s hard to find a better word for the letter M than masochist. And adding that “merry” on there just seems to fit, as I am often smiling and laughing while playing. Not always – I also crave the dark, moody, breaking-me-down kinds of scenes – but more often than not lately my scenes seem to have an element of merriment or playfulness. Perhaps because the space I play in emotionally is lighter? Or more like playing as a bottom? With Sir we are still exploring each other as playpartners and as D/s partners – we are learning about each other and where our edges, boundaries and desires lie; with my Canadian it is without the D/s but from a place of deep affection and respect for each other as Top and bottom. Both spaces call to the masochist in me, but she is a delighted, joyful masochist (even when processing the pain – perhaps even more so then.) Processing pain as something positive, even pleasurable, is what makes me a masochist; embracing it with a joyful attitude is what earns the “merry” moniker.
So, first, my February Photofest image. M (the Canadian) called this “hot-crossed buns” which name I love, and the capturing of which, while exquisitely painful, was also a lot of fun. It doesn’t look like much, but trust me – they had to be hard strikes on a cold ass to get the stripes to come up – ouch! And…yumm!

This second image is for Sinful Sunday – after the above image M took it upon himself to administer my daily “maintenance” spanking via cane, and the masochist in me took over, reveling in the searing, blooming pain in each strike of the cane.

Click the icons above to see more Sunday Sinners and participants in February Photofest.