Month: June 2022
Rabbit Holes (the not necessarily fun kind)
Falling down rabbit holes – especially these days – usually consists of discovering and or exploring something new, something wicked and fun, or maybe something – what were the words I used this morning? Oh yeah: craven and lascivious. The one I fell down just now wasn’t either of those…
Pink Toes
It’s been a criminally long time since I’ve felt like painting my toenails.
Whack Board
I promised I’d tell the tale of my red bum. Well, my first red bum. There’s since been more bottom-reddening events, much to my immense pleasure, but this is a fun story that I’ve been meaning to share. So. Let me preface this by admitting that I have the worst…
Anticipation 2
I’m waiting for him in the swing on my patio, short dress, no bra or panties. His instructions on the bra, my own initiative on the panties. It’s warm, but I have a sunshade and there is the hint of a breeze tugging at my skirt, flirting with my warm,…
Red Bum
Apparently, a red bum is once again a thing in my life. Kiss the lips below to see who else is particiating in Sunful Sunday, where It’s all about the image…
Anticipation 1
“Touch yourself for me,” he said. “Trace your fingers where you wish mine would go, let them linger where you wish mine would be.” I unzipped my jeans, right there in my office chair, and slid a hand down to the top of my lace-edged panties. Then I stopped. What…
It’s Friday, it must be…
Boobday! I know, lots more than just boobs, but seriously, check out those nips! I took this pic this morning to send to K to show off the juxtaposition of my pink-laced panties and the tomboy shirt. It was only when I got a good look at it that I…
Just a Day
Nothing sexy today (yeah it’s a bit of a cop-out, but I’ve other things to do!) just me and my office buddy enjoying the sunshine at lunch.
I already almost forgot to post today – that’s how out of practice I am! But I was saved by K, my…I don’t know what to call him, yet…reminding me to do so. So what is this that K and I are doing? We’re seeing each other, and kind of…
How sweet, he says.But no… I am claws and teeth and sharp, aching needHowls and snarlsDesire, made manifest. Wet and panting and wanting, wanting, wanting.No sweet kittenNo purring pet. Panties in the corner Legs spread wideFingers deep in my wet, wet cunt. His words on the screen a voice in…