Alright, not quite a week, but close.
I woke up early today…slept poorly…weird dreams about a post-apocalyptic world and trying to get movie tickets, adopting a wildcat kitten, trying to escape a cult. Should have gotten up right then and worked out or gone for a run (it’s beautiful out there) but parked my lazy ass in bed and read FB for a half hour till the dog begged to go out. Yes, past me knew that future me was going to be pissed at herself, but what to do? Anyway. Trying to make up for it a little bit by getting some blogging done.
My weeks have begun to fall into a lovely rhythm, time at home, time at K’s, social time, time with Adam, time with K and Adam, work time and play time. I’ve even started carving out regular time here.
Mondays and Tuesdays I am usually home with Adam. He’s off both Monday and Tuesday, so those are also good days to WFH, but my employer wants me in on Tuesdays, so I am there (and crabby) unless I can find an excuse not to be.
Wednesdays Adam has to get up at 4 AM, so some Tuesday nights we go out walking and to a bar to play cribbage, but don’t stay up late since he has to get up. This makes them good nights for myself, to blog, or meet a friend for dinner, stop over at my parents’ apartment to visit and check in on them, or to sometimes play an online game with K before bed. I’ve thought about asking him if we can have a video date that night occasionally too…maybe try some online hypnosis?…but it hasn’t come up yet. His Mondays are kidfree, but that’s when he schedules time (if he’s going to) with his (sometime) play partner, and Tuesdays he has his daughter and likes to reserve that time for her.
This week not seeing him either night was a little rough. He and I and Ad went to a play party Saturday night and I had a bit of subdrop Tuesday. I’ve encountered this issue before, as I am sure many poly kinksters have; you can’t always be with the one who hurt you when you’re dropping from the high of that encounter. It was more acute with W, I think, what with the type of play we did; I really needed to reconnect with him and feel reassured that I was still his beautiful, beloved Jade, after he’d done such drastic things to me. But truthfully, I think six years of never being with my play partner when subdrop hit kind of inured me to it anyway. I think there’s part of me that won’t let me go that deep, as kind of a self-preservation.
Wednesday is bowling night. I bring my overnight stuff to work and then head over to K’s after. We do dinner and then meet the Kinky Bowling group for 3 or 4 games. Ad usually joins us for a couple games, though he goes home early because work. Then K and I head to his house overnight and get up together in the morning to go to work. I have at least 90 minutes to myself before I have to be in, so I am getting a feel for having that time designated as running time.
Two Thursdays a month I play D&D over at friends’. K joins me occasionally, but we’ve tried to schedule it so that usually those are kid nights for him; he comes over to mine on the other two. Sometimes those are date nights, sometimes we cook with Ad and all hang out, playing board games or watching TV, my son has joined us a time or two as well.
We’re still figuring weekends out. Adam goes to bed early Friday night and works until the afternoon on Saturdays so on kidfree weekends K usually stays here with me. Our lazy – or busy – Saturday mornings/afternoons are my favorite. Other times I’ve stayed with him if he has his daughter, or I have a Friday night and Saturday day to myself occasionally too, which can be nice if I plan it out. We usually try to spend at least some portion of the weekend together, if not an overnight, even when he has his daughter. Sundays are a toss up. We hike with the group or maybe attend a low key event during the day, sometimes the three of us brunch together and spend the day hanging out, maybe even through dinner that night, but spend the night in our respective homes, getting ready for the week ahead.
There are other things that come up too. Play parties or munches, evenings out with friends. We’re slowly meshing those parts of our lives, and it feels good.
Here’s some pics from last week’s activities.