A Very Canadian Sunday

I’m back in Canada this week, though this time on Lake Huron in Ontario, rather than in Vancouver as I was in March with my daughter. (I just realized I never blogged that trip, which is a shame, because it was pretty spectacular.) Anyway, not only am I in Canada, but I am here with the Canadian!

Always before we have met away from either of our homes – no, I take that back, he came to the Lou once this past year – but usually elsewhere: Cuba, North Carolina, Mexico. Never have I ever visited him. Mostly because a) travel restrictions during Covid, and b) he leaves during the winter for warmer climes and it’s fun to join him there. This year tho it finally made sense to come up to see him here. In a lovely coincidence (ok not exactly coincidence, we did sort of plan it this way) the Hypnotist is also traveling to visit his long-distance partner in the UK this week. In fact his day today is a travel day, while I huddle under the blankets while it rains outside. It does sound pretty on the roof though.

From a planning perspective this trip is a bit of an aberration for me: I did none. (Is it that I have gotten so used to K deciding what we’re going to do? I dunno. Although I have been with several dominant men, he’s the only one that has actually just made the decisions about what we’re going to do, where we’re going to go, etc. So maybe that part of my brain has shut down a little bit.) In any case, I just left the “what are we going to do when I’m there,” up to the Canadian.

Here’s the knowns:

  • Daily maintenance spankings;
  • The wearing of lingerie or at the least sexy panties and heels daily;
  • Next weekend in Niagra and a “blacklight” play party Saturday night;
  • The Canadian’s sometimes play-partner and my good friend K coming for a visit;
  • Two days of working remotely;
  • Drinks and cribbage (and now Sequence);
  • Delicious food;
  • Probably a good sound thrashing or two at some point; and
  • Pics to K of outfit changes as a task he has set me, and probably Marco Polos just because.

We’ve also talked about going to wineries on the way to Niagra and I want to put my feet in Lake Ontario and swim in Lake Huron and run the beach and go on the silly Niagra Falls boat and walk under the falls. The town M lives in has a nice little downtown that I want to wander and I forgot to bring a crochet project so there will probably be yarn shopping in my future too. Oh! And maybe Scavenger Hunting!

I’m excited and yet entirely relaxed, waiting to see what unfolds this week.

Also, because it fits so well with the Sinful Sunday theme: No Humans. Your challenge this month is to create an image that is erotic, sexy, sensual, suggestive etc without using the human form to do so….something that sets a scene or tells a story.

I feel like this bit of packing does just that.

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