“Which dress would you like me to wear, Sir?” I asked, having laid out three options. He leaned back with a gleam in his eye – always my first hint that there’s something up his sleeve.
“I’m thinking your Scavenger Hunt dress,” he says with a grin.
“Oh?” I’m a little slow on the uptake. I mean, it’s a cute dress and all…
“Yeah,” he says. “I think maybe we’ll try and get a bowling alley Scavenger Hunt.”
I must admit, a bowling alley SH has been on my mind since I started bowling with him and the group. But, I mean…a bowling alley always has people wandering around. And hey, let’s face it, I don’t want to get banned from the place! I have a lot of fun there, and it’s this super fun thing Sir and I (and occasionally Adam) do together, with or without the group.
Leave it to the Hypnotist to figure how a way to make it happen!

You are amazing, how the hell did you get away with that one??? Lovely!!!!
oh my goodness, you’re either crazy or incredibly brave!