Caught in the Act

I walked in the door from breakfast and immediately stripped to thong and socks – no idea why. But it seemed a good opportunity to catch a snap for Sir (the Hypnotist – I know I don’t call him Sir here often, but more and more that’s how I think of him in my head, and it gets cumbersome to translate for the blog…so there you are.) Anyway, there I was, innocently posing for a picture of my bare ass and perky little nipple, when BOOM! Adam photobombed me.

On Sinful Sunday, it’s all about the image.

Sinful Sunday

3 thoughts on “Caught in the Act

  1. Haha! I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been caught trying to take images, now I just throw my phone at him and ask him to take a better one 😀

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