Month: January 2023

Hypnosis, Venn Diagrams & Vulnerability
This morning dawned bright and clear, and I was up five minutes after my alarm went off. An accomplishment, that. As I mentioned, I’ve been doing the 30 Days of Yoga, but I did miss two days: one due to starting the new fitness class, the other to being over…
Picnicking in December
I am no lover of the cold. And yet it seems I frequently find myself out in it, walking, hiking – and being naked. Or partially so. This flash was acquired on my last Van Morrison adventure with K, when I’d scored “Basketball Court” in the Scavenger Hunt. It was…

Showing Up
I’m sitting here in my favorite coffee/sandwich shop on my side of the river, having a coffee and some breakfast after a very productive morning. I made sure to make it productive, since I wasn’t getting to spend time with The Hypnotist, sort of gritting my teeth, “Okay fine, I’ll…
The weekend’s kind of gone sideways, with family and real-life obligations, so I won’t see K much over the next few days. I have a lot to do myself, chores and things that don’t get done when he’s here or we’re out and about or I’m at his. So it’s…
I’ve once again embarked on Yoga with Adrienne’s yearly 30 Days of Yoga Journey. It’s funny, but when I first typed the title, I used the word “challenge” instead of “journey.” And while I am challenging myself to complete it, the difference between it being a challenge and a journey…

Dear Diary…
Along with the January Jumpstart 2023 challenge, Molly’s Daily Kiss has begun a new writing meme/prompt called Revelations. I’m a sucker for a writing prompt, though I frequently miss deadlines. Take, for example, the Penis prompt in September’s Kink of the Week and the Inspections one that ended the year.…

Old Year, New Year – First Lines
And here it is, the start of a new year! Funny how that happens every…365 days…is it? A long time ago, in a previous life, I used to post a year-end wrap-up that consisted of the first lines of blog posts for each month previous. It was a fun way…