I read a saying on Facebook the other day: “Beauty is being comfortable in your own skin,” and it stayed with me, teasing a deeper reaction in me than the somewhat-trite-but-also-very-spot-on saying probably deserved.
I haven’t been much, lately – comfortable in my own skin. I am working on changing that – my new fitness studio is amazing! – but it’s a tough go at times, when nothing feels like it fits, when I don’t feel sexy or physically desirable. Of course that is nothing new, if I’m honest: I’ve had to work through the adversarial relationship I have with my body all my life. But again, the studio helps in that. I love feeling strong and powerful physically (even if, in the grand scheme of things I am not, really.)
But one thing I do love about my body right now is the fullness of my breasts. They are looking pretty sweet in this pic I took for the Hypnotist before we went bowling. He seemed to like the look as well – I am a slut for his attention and validation, for sure! So, for a night, I felt sassy and sexy. Here’s to more of those nights!