This year’s theme, via the A to Z Challenge, is My Favorite Things (a not-definitive list.)
But DAMN I’ve got a lot of catching up to do! Okay, here goes, A to E…

A is for …
- All things ass. Mine, yours, his, hers, theirs.
- African violets.
- And asters and amaryllises and anemones. (What can I say, it’s springtime!)
- Airports (I know, I’m weird, but I love the wander around in them while I’m waiting for a flight.)
- Armpits. (Another weird one, I know. Not like a fetish, but like…I just like to breathe a person in. Persons I’m intimate with. Not like, randos at the airport.)
- And of course – April’s A to Z Blogging Challenge!
B is for …
- Bowling, board games, and (of course) BOOBIES. (Both the bird and the body parts.)
- Bees! (See springtime, above.)
- Bacon! And banana bread. And Brussel sprouts.
- Oh, and books. Lots and lots of books.
- And bridges. And bald eagles.
- And blankets and blue glass and bracelets and bath bombs and bath bubbles!
- When he calls me his bitch.
- Bruises!
C is for …
- Cocks and cocksucking (duh!)
- Canes.
- The word cunt (especially when he says it.)
- Crocheting.
- Curls (his), cards (playing), and camping (in the campervan). And coffee!
- Oh, and chocolate. (Almost left that out because of the “ch” sound.)
- Chenin Blanc (different sound, same reason.)
- And oh holy hell how could I forget? Cum! That should have been maybe the first item. Well okay, second, after cocks and cocksucking (because eggs => chicken, right?)
D is for …
- Downtowns, D&D, dominance & desire.
- Mmm, and dripping.
- And okay, because cocks: dicks. (Same/same?) Though I like the word cock better.
- Dungeons. The BDSM kind. I’m a sucker for an atmosphere.
- Dogs!!
- Dessert. Any kind.
- Deserts! Any kind.
- Decisiveness (his, not mine, because I’m not. Decisive.)
- Daffodils. Dahlias. Daisies. (Again, see springtime.)
- Dancing (like no one is watching!) 😉
- Discipline. (Ohhh…mmm…)
- Dressing up.
- Dildos.
- His deliciously deft fingers.
E is for …
- Elephants (who doesn’t love them?)
- Elephant ears – the plant, not the animal part.
- Earnestness
- Enchiladas, specifically verde, but also rojo.
- Erotica
- Eggs Benny and eggs over medium. And scrambled and hard boiled and deviled and salad. I guess that should just be “eggs.”
- And, from the Fetlife list of fetishes (because I was having a hard time thinking of sexytime “E” faves): enforced bedtime, eating pussy, exhibitionism.
- Oh! I don’t think this was on the Fetlife list: erotic embarrassment! And actually, since The Hypnotist, just straight-up embarrassment. (I didn’t realize that could be a good, much less a favorite, thing.)
And that, my dears, is me all caught up. We’ll see how the next few days of this Challenge go…I may keep just playing this every-few-days list game, or might decide to do one in-depth favorite a day. Or mix it up! Who knows – I’ll guess we’ll see! Stay tuned…