My Canadian playpartner, referred to here most often as either “The Canadian” or “M” (super imaginative, I know) asked me recently about when the next daily, weekly or monthly meme was that I was going to write for. I think he knows (after knowing me for several years) that I write most consistently when I have a prompt of some sort, or a challenge – or, as with my rule from Sir about writing 3x/week – a rule to adhere to. There are a few memes out there, though there seem to be fewer and fewer as time goes by. The latest of these, Revelations, is on a “brief pause,” Kink of the Week is more sporadic in that I forget to check it (I know, I need to keep a blogging calendar again!), and I just realized that Every Damn Day in June didn’t happen this year (again with the blogging calendar!) Sinful Sunday is still going strong, but with Saturday/Sunday being prime time for “Doing Things” – and with me having fewer sexy pics in general – it just doesn’t happen as often as I’d like. Same with BoobDay (which is now hosted by The Barefoot Sub at A Leap of Faith.) I do still post for the Scavenger Hunt (and have a surprising number of them in the wings, ready to post!) but picture editing requires time that I sometimes just don’t have.
Anyway! Long way around to say that, at said conversation with The Canadian, he (half jokingly) suggested, hey, how about “Masochist Mondays”?
Annnnnd … I got to thinking. That might not be a bad idea. Not an “official” meme. Not with a badge and rules and a hashtag and a linky tool, and not even every single Monday…just me, with a general topic to write about in the beginning of the week when the urge strikes me. To get my week started, to get me thinking about kink (because I don’t already – haha.) To get those writer – and other – juices flowing.
So! Here we are! It’s Monday, and I am introducing / debuting a new personal meme: Masochist Mondays. Watch this space to see how it unfolds.
(Image by brgfx on Freepik)
Waiting patiently 🤔
Haha – “patient” 😝