Pieces of Jade & A Poly Life – A Match Made in Heaven?

I’m exhausted, dispirited, disillusioned and disheartened. (Any more dis-s? Give me a minute…I could probably think of a few.  On second thought, that just makes me discouraged. Sigh.) Normally I wouldn’t post this here. This is my place for sex, right? Where I get raunchy and nasty and dirty and…

In Praise of “Normal Life”

Sometimes in my online readings, by coincidence or fate, I’ll read two very different pieces of writing that will spark thoughts on the same topic, though perhaps (as in this instance) from different perspectives.  A post by Kaya on the nature of her relationship and another on Fearless Press, Living…

Wanton Wednesday – Embarkation

As promised, another view of Embarkation Day. Check out all the wantonness by clicking below.

e[lust] #11

e[lust] #11 is here, and I’m proud to say that “Sometimes Poly IS Hard” from A Poly Life is in the Top 3! HNT courtesy of Neptune Blue Welcome to e[lust] – Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking…

Other Bits & Pieces

I’ve got a couple of new posts over on A Poly Life: Bits & Pieces: on kids, my delayed snow delivery, girl-dates & other minutia of daily life here in Jade-land; Being Open: a snapshot of my work life, and my musings about being “open” (or not) at work; Firebug:…

Birthday Pretzel

New post over on APL: I love you. And you, and you, and you… I started that post over here originally, wanting to share the sexy fun I had Thursday as first W, then A, turned me into a pretzel.  But then I ended up thinking too much and it…

Almost Forgot-An HNT!

I’ve got an HNT up over on A Poly Life: Ocean Blue, my little ocean-in-a-bathtub. AND it’s got a click-thru, a new thing I learned to do.

HNT & Writing

I almost forgot!  I have a new HNT up over on A Poly Life.  One of the many reasons I love to run…and wear 5 inch heels… Oh!  And another piece of writing on Eden Cafe: So You Want to Go to a Kink Convention, a primer for newcomers to…

Hook Pull HNT

I’ve had a couple posts on my experience at Kinky Kollege, the Energy Hook Pull, and have an HNT of the aftermath of the hook pull up over on A Poly Life.  Go on over and check it out! And to check out the other lovelies joining the HNT parade,…

I hesitated to post this here, because you know, over here I am all smut and hot sex and fucking and the guys and girls that I do and get done by…all that fun stuff.  But then I realized I may have a few readers that are wondering why I’ve…