Category: BDSM
I forgot! One more R…
R is also for REWARD. I know, this looks like punishment. BUT IT’S NOT. We have this app we use to keep track of certain rules I have to follow and expectations he has of me. For some of them, he’s set it up to give me reward points. Which…
More Alphabet Soup
Yeah, it’s May, but I’m determined to finish this list, so here we go. My Q list is more of just a list of words I like the sound of, rather than specific favorite things, because there are not a lot of my favorite things that start with Q. So,…
Better Late Than Never: P is for Praise
I separated out the “P” for the Alphabet Challenge (even though I am still woefully behind) because the word for one of my favorite P things is “praise,” and that is the kink for the Kink of the Week. It also happens to be the topic for last week’s Revelations,…
In a Pinch
This – and the larger handful grab – is a regular occurrence in my life, usually happening any time we are in a car together. My thighs are often dotted with finger imprints from a good solid pinch and bigger marks from whole-hand grabs. I don’t even remember how they…
A Rose Popped
I’ve had some funny things, some mortifying things, and some mortifying-only-to-become-funny-in-retrospect things happen to me as I’ve gone through airport security, rode trains and public transportation, and stayed in various hotels and AirBnBs and campgrounds in my travels. One thing that has never happened to me is to have a…

A Stretch
When I saw the topic of this week’s Revelations, “Stretch,” I knew there were so many ways that I could write the post. I even have an older draft post titled “Stretch” that I wrote some time ago. That post was all about stretching myself physically to begin a new…

The Revelations prompt this week is “What do you want?” There are so many ways I could answer that. We all have wants, desires. Things we are looking for, working toward, dreaming about, coveting. I have foolish hopes and pie-in-the-sky dreams; more prosaic ones too. I want things for myself…

February Photofest, Day 26: Plugged
No, “plugged” wasn’t one of the prompts for my February Photofest, but it is the prompt for both this week’s Revelations and the Kink of the Week, so how could I resist? It is a much-loved topic of mine. I love anal play of all sorts, because of the pleasurable…
February Photofest, Day 23: And ONE more “black”…
The Hypnotist has just left. I am back in the big bed with Adam, settling down after a date night with Sir. Dinner and cribbage and talking, then back to my place to work off some of the 1500+ whacks I had accrued over the past little while. You can’t…

February Photofest, Day 22: An Extra Black
I already posted a fun image for The Canadian’s “black” prompt yesterday, but, unrelated to February Photofest, I took this picture the other day and really liked it – probably because of the context. So I thought I’d add it to the prompt today. Sir (The Hypnotist, aka K) and…
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