Category: Scenes

Happy Christm-Ass!
A short break from my reflections to help celebrate the holidays… Adam and I took Van Morrison down to this funny little town in the Ozarks called Eureka Springs. I have fallen in love with the area and the town! We have been shopping and eating and wandering, as much…
Baldy in the Wild
There’s a Scavenger Hunt location called “Your Name in the Wild,” and it’s a fun one. I am always looking for a Jade Street, or perhaps a store that specializes in jade, or maybe an exhibit that has jade in the description, but the two times I have seen it…
Party Favor
We went to a house party recently. Here is the beginning, during and after…
Just Another Work from Home Day
It’s been awhile since I’ve had anything in my ass. I noted this as I slathered lube onto my football-shaped “daily wear” buttplug, the one I can – and have – worn all day and night before. (With bathroom breaks, of course. No one wants an exploded Jade.) As comfortable…

Detritus from the Last Night
I know this isn’t your usual sexy Sinful Sunday image (Sinful Sunday – it’s all about the image!) but hell, it’s weirdly sexy to me, even if there was no sex involved. To have my two men’s complete focus and attention, to hear them planning and conniving and plotting against…
Sinful Collage, with Eleven
“Creativity is a lot like looking at the world through a kaleidoscope. You look at a set of elements, the same ones everyone else sees, but then reassemble those floating bits and pieces into an enticing new possibility.” ~Rosabeth Moss Kanter Kiss the lips above to see the rest of…
Cowboy in My Mouth, pt. 2
So there we were, giggling madly inside the tent as the actual cowgirl rode away in her truck. The clamps on my nipples had done their job, and Lil Sister was wide awake and throbbing. I made to turn over, to get up to get ready for our ride, but…
More Digression. Because,why not?
When the digression is this good… Yeah I feel like my life is back on the rails. It was a it bumpy for a little bit there. Real life can be a bitch, and I am not immune to letting myself wallow in a bit of the doldrums. And then…
Cowboy in My Mouth, pt. 1, or, How we almost lost our riding privileges
It’s hard to recall exactly how it started. We were in the sweltering tent, though now at least we had a fan going, so that was helping enormously. We’d also bought a new airbed (yeah yeah, we weren’t roughing it, okay?) and it was set up. He was kicked back,…
I forgot! One more R…
R is also for REWARD. I know, this looks like punishment. BUT IT’S NOT. We have this app we use to keep track of certain rules I have to follow and expectations he has of me. For some of them, he’s set it up to give me reward points. Which…
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