Category: Hypnokink

Hypnosis, Venn Diagrams & Vulnerability
This morning dawned bright and clear, and I was up five minutes after my alarm went off. An accomplishment, that. As I mentioned, I’ve been doing the 30 Days of Yoga, but I did miss two days: one due to starting the new fitness class, the other to being over…
Black Lace Cleavage
It’s Friday night (tho it feels like Saturday) and I’m trying to get something posted before the end of the day. I’ve been doing some musing on families and holidays and yadda yadda…but I haven’t got all my thoughts in a row, what with hypno-sex and finger fucking and cooking…

A New Year
Note: I started this yesterday. It’s the night before New Year’s Eve and I’m riding in Sir’s car on the way from my house to his to fetch my bowling ball so I can get the thumbhole drilled out some. (Yep, that’s a thing.) I’m wearing a short, clingy sweater…
Sometimes it happens this way: My lips on his cock, his hand in my hair, and then…his fingertips on my forehead? Or maybe a hand stroking my shoulders or back, just so. And even as I am focusing on his cock, pulling him into my mouth, sucking on him, another…
Being Jade
This past weekend I attended a munch with the Hypnotist. It is a munch for folks interested in hypnokink, which I am, but that I have avoided attending with him until this last one because, hell, I don’t know. I’m shy, and awkward, and anxious about having to make small…
Dog Days / Blog Days
I have no idea if I have participated in the “Blogs Days of Summer” meme before, though the title is familiar so it’s possible I have. Or maybe I just recall seeing it around the blogosphere, I dunno. In any case, here I am giving it a go, because I…
One Hot Weekend
Oh that could be taken so many ways. This past weekend, it can be taken in all the ways. Hot House. The A/C went out at our house Thursday and we couldn’t get it serviced until Tuesday, after what were forecasted to be 95+ degree temps over the 4th. We…
Kinky Bucket List Revisited
Someone on Twitter recently made a comment about my Kinky Bucket List. Honestly, it’s been a minute since I originally wrote that – I posted it in 2012! Ten years? Whew! There’s still a lot of things I haven’t done, and a lot of things that still resonate with me,…