Category: January Jumpstart 2023

Shadow Play
One recent night I had some points to work off on the Whack Board, and K and Ad decided the basement would be a good place for them to administer them. This is what the Whack Board totaled that night: 1075 + 24 = 1099+6=1105+12=1117+170= 1287+42=1329+87=1416 The scoring system accounts…
A Sweet Agony
I am laying in bed with K, at his house, snug against his side and so very aware of all the places our skin meets. I run my fingers through his hair, pet his chest and belly, stroke his arms and legs. I can’t get enough of the warmth of…
Taking in the View
We went hiking with the Kinky Hikers recently, and I found the perfect Scavenger Hunt: Scenic Overlook. The overlook is about halfway along the 6 mile hike we took. It’s a trail I am familiar with and have always enjoyed; with a lot of elevation changes, it’s one I have…

Elust #157
Image courtesy of Goddess Cleo. Welcome to Elust 157. Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included…
I honestly can’t recall when or where this photo was taken, precisely…but I do know who it was taken for: The Hypnotist. And I remember how I felt that moment, taking the photo, right before I sent it to him: sexy and yet vulnerable. In my mind, my own vulnerability…
Stairway(s) to Heaven
I’ve always had a thing for the stairway flash…apparently enough that I’ve forgotten that I had already gotten this Scavenger Hunt once and just had to do it again. Once in the hotel stairway in Mexico last summer with The Hypnotist and friends, and the other time at his office.
His Fingers
I think about them; dream about them; fantasize about them. I’d once called them a pianist’s fingers: long and slender, delicate almost; incredibly tactile. I want his hands on me, his fingers in me. I want the one with the delicious “come hither” stroke and I want two – or…
My Boy Felix
I have a couple of posts I’m working on, and I meant to get one of them done yesterday to post, but my day went sideways and I didn’t have it in me. I took my pup Felix to the vet yesterday for a simple eye irritation; his eye seems…
2022 One Second Everyday
I have this nifty little app that asks you to store 1 image or 1 second or video everyday, and then gives you a mashup by month and by year. Here’s my 2022, one second at a time! Easy to tell what my interests, joys and loves are…
Setting My Head Right
I’m not sure if the “spent” instead of “spend” in the above is a typo or not, but when I read this when it came across my Facebook feed this morning, I changed it to “spend” without realizing I had, because, obviously, current status. I spend an outrageous, ridiculous, and…