Category: Memes
Hello Friday!
Yeep, it’s been a week, maybe more since I’ve sat down here. All the usual suspects apply: busy life, busy head, plus when I am in my head a lot writing can be a challenge. So, here, instead of writing, I’ll just post a sexy picture. Because why not?!? Not…
I forgot! One more R…
R is also for REWARD. I know, this looks like punishment. BUT IT’S NOT. We have this app we use to keep track of certain rules I have to follow and expectations he has of me. For some of them, he’s set it up to give me reward points. Which…
More Alphabet Soup
Yeah, it’s May, but I’m determined to finish this list, so here we go. My Q list is more of just a list of words I like the sound of, rather than specific favorite things, because there are not a lot of my favorite things that start with Q. So,…
A Boobday Break from the Alphabet (Sorta)
I know, I shouldn’t really take a break, since I’m sooo far behind on the April AtoZ Challenge – bad Jade! But I like this pic, so I’m taking a break to post it to Boobday today. On second thought, I’ll just skip ahead to a letter than the image…
Better Late Than Never: P is for Praise
I separated out the “P” for the Alphabet Challenge (even though I am still woefully behind) because the word for one of my favorite P things is “praise,” and that is the kink for the Kink of the Week. It also happens to be the topic for last week’s Revelations,…
Eep! I am more than a full fucking week behind…! Okay, for a start, here’s K, L, M, N, & O…
It’s because I always feel like I need to write a fully realized, perfected, eloquent and edited blog post, and I trip myself up with my own perfectionism. A. I’m not perfect and neither is my writing; and B. Nobody gives a shit if it is or isn’t. Except me.…
Not So Sinful
I know, Sinful Sunday should be, well, “sinful.” Or at least wicked. But this felt pretty sinful at the time, albeit in a different way. All three of us had had enough running around all week, and though K and I were supposed to get dressed up to go to…
Elust #160
Welcome to Elust 160. Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in the next Elust? Send…
In a Pinch
This – and the larger handful grab – is a regular occurrence in my life, usually happening any time we are in a car together. My thighs are often dotted with finger imprints from a good solid pinch and bigger marks from whole-hand grabs. I don’t even remember how they…

The AtoZ Challenge, Letters I & J
The above is an excerpt from a favorite Mary Oliver poem, which happens to be the impetus for the this week’s Revelations prompt, Joy. Where we find it, do we embrace it, how do we manifest in our own lives and the lives of others? But first, some housekeeping, i.e.,…
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