Better Late Than Never: P is for Praise

I separated out the “P” for the Alphabet Challenge (even though I am still woefully behind) because the word for one of my favorite P things is “praise,” and that is the kink for the Kink of the Week. It also happens to be the topic for last week’s Revelations,…

The AtoZ Challenge, Letters I & J

The above is an excerpt from a favorite Mary Oliver poem, which happens to be the impetus for the this week’s Revelations prompt, Joy. Where we find it, do we embrace it, how do we manifest in our own lives and the lives of others? But first, some housekeeping, i.e.,…

A Stretch

When I saw the topic of this week’s Revelations, “Stretch,” I knew there were so many ways that I could write the post. I even have an older draft post titled “Stretch” that I wrote some time ago. That post was all about stretching myself physically to begin a new…


The Revelations prompt this week is “What do you want?” There are so many ways I could answer that. We all have wants, desires. Things we are looking for, working toward, dreaming about, coveting. I have foolish hopes and pie-in-the-sky dreams; more prosaic ones too. I want things for myself…

February Photofest, Day 26: Plugged

No, “plugged” wasn’t one of the prompts for my February Photofest, but it is the prompt for both this week’s Revelations and the Kink of the Week, so how could I resist? It is a much-loved topic of mine. I love anal play of all sorts, because of the pleasurable…

Dear Diary…

Along with the January Jumpstart 2023 challenge, Molly’s Daily Kiss has begun a new writing meme/prompt called Revelations. I’m a sucker for a writing prompt, though I frequently miss deadlines. Take, for example, the Penis prompt in September’s Kink of the Week and the Inspections one that ended the year.…