My Day

My life is freakishly amazing. Freakish and amazing. I am at work, sitting with shoes off and feet tucked under my butt, because my pussy is too sore to sit on after two nights of use and abuse by W.  But I can’t help myself, I keep shifting just a…

Three-Way One Way

Every once in awhile I talk W into staying over at my house on a weeknight, when we both know Ad and I will be getting up to go to work the next morning (which means W will have to get up and leave too, way earlier than he usually…

New posts on APL & Eden Cafe

I have new posts over on A Poly Life and on Eden Cafe about poly relationships. The one on APL is one of a new series I am doing, answering questions people have asked me about being poly and poly relationships.  I’m enjoying it a lot already, and have quite…

On Piercings and Power Dynamics

Last night I had a funny moment with Ad. Laying in bed, snuggling up, we finally had a kid-and-distraction-free moment to chat about Saturday night.  He was stroking my back–and poking at the sore spots playfully.  We both noticed a bruise on one shoulder.  “Flogger, maybe?” he said, chuckling.  I…


Edit: I started this post before the events of yesterday, which, while they do not change the essence of my post and thoughts and feelings, have caused me to think about the nature of what it is that W and I do, compared to how others do this, and what…

Memory Loss, Memory Found

It’s late afternoon and we are napping. Outside it’s about 10 degrees, in here it is warm and smells of cinnamon and the kind of odd electrical odor my heating blanket gives off.  I roll over and snuggle into Ad’s side, knowing it’s time to get up but not quite…

The Heart of Darkness

“…the heavy, mute spell…that seemed to draw him to its pitiless breast by the awakening of forgotten and brutal instincts, by the memory of gratified and monstrous passions.” Joseph Conrad, The Heart of Darkness “You make it easy for me to wake up wanting to rape you,” he said.  All…

Tricks & Treats

Confession time: sometimes, I can’t remember everything that happens. I mean, I remember things in broad outline, but the details…get a little fuzzy. Take Halloween, for example. It was an AMAZING day and night and day…but…I really can’t remember the details.  You know, the order of things.  Where they all…

Late to Work

I was late to work this morning because I had to go reinsert the buttplug that Ad put in me this morning. After a rocking orgasm with it in and a trip up the stairs, it wasn’t seated quite so firmly in the place it was supposed to be. (“Seated”,…


Or, “How W Stopped My Head from Imploding.”  Or maybe I should make that, in honor of this morning, “Exploding.” Though of course this ain’t just about this morning’s sex.  And, in a way, it’s almost not about sex at all (even though, yeah, it is.)  Confused yet? Yeah, it’s…