More Alphabet Soup

Yeah, it’s May, but I’m determined to finish this list, so here we go. My Q list is more of just a list of words I like the sound of, rather than specific favorite things, because there are not a lot of my favorite things that start with Q. So,…

An Oldie But a Goody

When I saw this month’s prompt for Sinful Sunday, “Vintage,” I didn’t really have any ideas. The notion of “vintage” seemed more than just slapping a filter on a rando photo, which is what I would do if I was to try and create one. I felt like it should…

February Photofest, Day 12: High Heels

There were so many ways that this prompt could have gone, but seeing as I was not in a position to take lewd photos (as K dubbed them) I figured a little sauciness would have to do.

A Very Canadian Sunday

I’m back in Canada this week, though this time on Lake Huron in Ontario, rather than in Vancouver as I was in March with my daughter. (I just realized I never blogged that trip, which is a shame, because it was pretty spectacular.) Anyway, not only am I in Canada,…

His slutty slut

Posing for K so he can decide what I’m to wear tonight at our first play party together. Excited/nervous!

Sinful Sunday – Spanked

Have had a wonderfully sinful Sinful Sunday so far, which I will write more about later, since I am supposed to be doing final edits on a piece of “real” writing (read: a story to be submitted for publication.) (I’m almost done, I swear!) (The deadline is today.) But here’s…

Wanton Wednesday – Heels & Lace

I know you are asking: but Jade, wasn’t there any bondage in that “Reset?” Yes. Yes there was. (You’ll just have to come back tomorrow for the rest.) 😉 To see who else is being Wanton, click the link below.

Sinful Sunday – Bedtime at W’s

Ready for bed… ~click thru to see the full view~ Sinful Sunday is all about the image.  Click below to see who else is playing along!

Sinful Sunday – Shoe…Addiction? Possibly…

So my daughter may have as severe an addiction to appreciation for high heels as I do. In fact, she’s starting much younger than I did, and pretty much jumped in the deep – or should I say steep – end from the start. Once she got rid of her…

Sleeping with Steve Madden

I figured, since I’ve had Tiger Woods in my pussy (twice!), that it was time to sleep with another favorite boy of mine, since my Real Life boys aren’t here to keep me company. I went shopping tonight for flat or low-heeled boots, since I broke the heel on my…