Category: Toys
Baldy in the Wild
There’s a Scavenger Hunt location called “Your Name in the Wild,” and it’s a fun one. I am always looking for a Jade Street, or perhaps a store that specializes in jade, or maybe an exhibit that has jade in the description, but the two times I have seen it…
Just Another Work from Home Day
It’s been awhile since I’ve had anything in my ass. I noted this as I slathered lube onto my football-shaped “daily wear” buttplug, the one I can – and have – worn all day and night before. (With bathroom breaks, of course. No one wants an exploded Jade.) As comfortable…
I looked up from the 90’s TV show I was watching on my phone and over at Adam, who was reading a book in the other corner of the couch. He must have felt my eyes on him. “What?” he said, suspicion in his voice. “What do you want to…
Sinful Collage, with Eleven
“Creativity is a lot like looking at the world through a kaleidoscope. You look at a set of elements, the same ones everyone else sees, but then reassemble those floating bits and pieces into an enticing new possibility.” ~Rosabeth Moss Kanter Kiss the lips above to see the rest of…
Cowboy in My Mouth, pt. 1, or, How we almost lost our riding privileges
It’s hard to recall exactly how it started. We were in the sweltering tent, though now at least we had a fan going, so that was helping enormously. We’d also bought a new airbed (yeah yeah, we weren’t roughing it, okay?) and it was set up. He was kicked back,…
A Rose Popped
I’ve had some funny things, some mortifying things, and some mortifying-only-to-become-funny-in-retrospect things happen to me as I’ve gone through airport security, rode trains and public transportation, and stayed in various hotels and AirBnBs and campgrounds in my travels. One thing that has never happened to me is to have a…

A Stretch
When I saw the topic of this week’s Revelations, “Stretch,” I knew there were so many ways that I could write the post. I even have an older draft post titled “Stretch” that I wrote some time ago. That post was all about stretching myself physically to begin a new…

February Photofest, Day 26: Plugged
No, “plugged” wasn’t one of the prompts for my February Photofest, but it is the prompt for both this week’s Revelations and the Kink of the Week, so how could I resist? It is a much-loved topic of mine. I love anal play of all sorts, because of the pleasurable…

January Wrap-Up & New Challenge
Today is the first of February, which begins Molly’s yearly February Photofest blogging challenge. I say “challenge,” but that sounds too aggressive – really it is an invitation to join her in posting to our blogs daily – in this case, one photo per day. She’s been doing it for…

Memories of Cuffing Past
This past Kink of the Week prompt was handcuffs. The real sort: metal, locking, not leather or rope cuffs. And yes, if you go the website you’ll see the image above – me in handcuffs – used for the prompt. When Molly asked if she could re-use that image to…
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