Category: Work from Home Days
WFH Days Revived
I am sitting here in my dining room where I like to blog, cozy jammies and fuzzy llama socks on, a bowl of Lucky Charms in front of me, avoiding my office for the moment because it feels like I need some aftercare. Strange since I am alone. LOL I…
February Photofest – Day ?
I’ve fallen down on the Photofest by a few days, but I’m going to cut myself some slack – the Canadian and I spent a couple days at a resort, playing like tourists, and I think I only got my laptop out once. Then we had a travel-and-get-acquainted-with-my-new-place day here…
February Photofest- Day 7
Just another day working in paradise…
Picture Request – Glasses
One of the first Picture Requests that I did was something I never actually published here. I put some of the pics up on my Fetlife profile, but posting them here felt a bit…edgy…to me at the time. I know, sounds ridiculous, right? But there you have it. Anyway, I’ve…
Wanton Wednesday – Monica Lewinski, W and Me
Sometimes I think about Monica Lewinski and how she kept the President’s semen on her dress crusty and white in her closet for months. Blackmail material, I used to think. Now wearing the panties and dress I last wore at his house crusted with his and my dried juices that…
What I Needed
Pushed to the floor, carpet beneath my knees; elbows one hand on my back, pinning me the other grinding my face into the carpet. His voice in my ear abrading me inflaming me inciting me. His cock in my ass impaling me fucking me tearing me open staking me to…
Work from Home Wednesday: A Snapshot & Pictorial
Today’s post is an illustrated summary of the silly posts I made on Fetlife yesterday while I worked from W’s house. Some days I crack myself the hell up. This day, W wanted to try out some of the “toys” he’s found recently while he’s been on a house reorganization…
Work from Home Wednesday
Yesterday was Work from Home Wednesday. That’s right, I’ve changed my weekly work from home day to Wednesdays, just so I could get some alliteration. I’m neurotic like that. Okay, not really. But it works nicely, huh? Anyhow, I got to work from W’s, and boy oh boy was he…
Working from Home – Skills
There are a few specific skills one must have to be W’s Sexretary. One of course is the ability to wear the highest of heels. The other is to keep him hard throughout the day. There are other skills that come up, and that this sexretary perhaps does not have…
Wanton Wednesday – Steel & Lace
I love the juxtaposition on steel and lace in this pic. It was taken this week when I finally got a teeny bit of playtime, the first in weeks and weeks, because of W being out of town for a month and then me being on medical “hiatus.” I feel…