A Date with W

We are in the theater. It is dark, but we are up front and the others watching the movie are there, in the dark, behind us. The can see me squirm, they can see his arm crossed in front of me, I imagine they know that his hand is in…

Half-Nekkid Thursday – Stocks

Sometimes he plays with wood instead of rope or chains… Are you Half-Nekkid yet??

A Date

He stayed that way for a long time, still inside of me, before he began to move again, stroking himself in long, deliberate thrusts while I writhed and moaned beneath him.

A Change in Plans

It’d been a long weekend.  We were home finally, alone together after an intense weekend of interactions, both play and interpersonal.  Multiple, fluid relationships are rewarding, but complicated, and hard to balance at times, and this weekend highlighted that – both the rewards and the complexities.  I’d learned much over…

Half-Nekkid Thursday – Chains Again

It appears I have a theme going.  This is from before the lovely slash marks from the pics yesterday. …a clean white canvas, waiting to be painted… Are you Half-Nekkid yet??

NOT the Weekend

I have this wonderful yummy sexy stuff to talk about from my weekend, but no energy to do so.  I guess the “talk talk” has gone quiet, at least for the time being.  The flu will do that, though.  Instead I am going to post a couple of pics from…

Talk Talk

Talk talk.  That’s what I call what goes on in my head all the time.  That swirl of overlapping, continual chatter in the back of my mind as I go through my day. In a conversation with my boss I discovered that she is also someone that always has some…

The Sugasm is Here

Sugasm #161 is here, and it’s a hot one! I always include all the links from the round-up, not just the top picks, because there is some great reading there too-so don’t neglect to check all the submissions out! Sugasm #161 March 19th, 2009 by Vixen | Updated: March 19th,…

Chains HNT

They say a picture is worth a thousand words but the picture doesn’t show what chain smells like slick with sweat and girljuice the metallic tang in your nose and on your tongue it doesn’t show the weight of chain laying heavy on your skin or how it feels when…

Making Spaces in My Heart

As promised, I believe it is time to talk about more than sex.  For at least this one post. As any of you who have been following this space know, or have read the “About Me” page, I have two lovers: one with whom I live, one with whom I…