Tag: The Boys
Wanton Wednesday – The Games We Play
I thought a little change-up was in order, that I needed to post something a little more…suggestive. A little more wanton, if you will. I love having two men that play well together and that both delight in playing with me. What wickedly wanton games they devise! Do you feel…
Birthday Spankings
Yup, I got me some birthday spankings last week. And a lovely, romantic, birthday dinner, and a bit of rope on me, and a day spent in cuffs and collar, chained to my desk, playing secretary to the “Boss.” This is me readying myself for my primary job responsibility: I’ll…
Pony Play – Brown Pony
I mentioned over on APL that I’d played with Ad and W one night in “pony” gear at W’s house. I’m not exactly sure how we ended up with me in a bit gag, my brown boots and a hip belt on, but fueled with a beer or two and…
Desire–what fuels it and feeds it, fans its flames or dampens it, drives us mad with lust or turns us cold–is a strange thing. Fickle or demanding, imperious at times, ephemeral and fleeting at others. I myself have odd, disjointed fantasies, many of which I’d not care to share with…
The Morning After
As I hinted at in this post, my welcome home didn’t end that evening. The next morning I woke slowly to Ad’s hand on the back of my neck, not forceful, just resting there under my hair, stroking my skin softly. W was asleep on his side facing me, I…
Welcome Home
Coming home is always lovely, because my boys are usually as enthusiastic about me being back again–and doing all those nasty, sexy things to me again–as I am to be home and to have those things done to me. In the past, it’s been one-on-one with the guys, with each…
Play Party Medicine
I went to our local monthly play party with Ad last night. We haven’t been to a play party alone in quite awhile. Generally I prefer to do lifetsyle stuff with both guys or with W. It’s a small thing, and probably significant only to me, but because W is…
Wanton Wednesday – Abandon
I can still recall this exact moment: the sweet caress of his hand cupping my mound, the feel of his cock, thick and wet inside me, the scratch of his beard against my skin, the weight of his arm across my body; the heavy, sweet scent of arousal. And the…
I was a brat Saturday night. Well, Saturday day, too, leading into the Saturday night play party. Where, quite effectively, I was un-brattied. I’ve talked about the fact that we don’t have a punishment dynamic. When W or Ad want to hurt me, they do, in whatever way suits them,…
By the Numbers – A Weekend in Pictures
2 guys, 1 girl 1 tree house Zero Wifi 3 gorgeous days 3 steamy nights 5 pairs of shoes 1 Scrabble game 436 whacks 3 suspensions 2 rocky outcroppings 1 girl-as-furniture 1 rope gag And still more numbers: 1 steel buttplug 1 steel trailer hitch (yep, that’s what I said–TRAILER…